Starting Over

It’s been a while, hasn’t it?

ShrinkGeek came into existence as a company just over two years ago. At the time I truly believed that by combining what was a great name and the talents of a small handful of my closest friends I’d be able to create a web site that was the go-to place for geeks to get their health and fitness information.

In some ways we were very successful. We managed to get a decent page rank out of Google. Rafe and I were hired to do a series of diet and fitness related articles for WoWInsider. We had several advertisers offer to pay us in exchange for links (and we even had the integrity to turn a few of them down because we didn’t think they fit with our image). We were given several products to review, and we got some decent interviews. Ultimately, I think we were able to produce some extremely stellar content.

Unfortunately we haven’t made any significant money in the process of doing so. In fact, when you factor in the costs associated with running the site as an actual business, we’ve operated at a loss the entire time. You know that old saying about how time equals money? Well, it takes a lot of time to produce quality content for a web site and when that time isn’t being rewarded by any money it gets harder to build up the motivation to actually devote the time necessary to do it.

Long story short? We burnt out.

I’m not pointing any fingers in this. I burned out along with everyone else involved in this site. I may have taken a bit longer to do so than the others, but I wasn’t the one who held out the longest. From a sheer volume standpoint, Rafe produced content on a regular basis far longer than I did.

That, obviously, ended on November 12th. We’ve been silent here since then. We missed the Christmas shopping season, new products coming out, huge changes to Weight Watchers, and the whole New Year’s Resolution boat.

We fell off the wagon.

There are other factors that went into the site not exactly working out as intended as well, but they really aren’t important here. Suffice it to say that as the CEO of the LLC that we founded I take full responsibility for the fact that there was a lack of direction and focus that ended up causing a lot of confusion and, in some cases, hurt feelings and resentment.

I can only hope I haven’t permanently ruined some of the friendships I had when I started this whole mess.

The bottom line in revealing all of this is to let those of you who still have us in your readers know that, yet again, ShrinkGeek will be going through a makeover. I have offered to buy out all of the partners in the LLC, and from here on out the web site is no longer going to focus so much on news (another big mistake we made…much of our experience as a collective came through our association with other blog sites and we spent a lot of time trying to copy their formula instead of coming up with our own). I suppose in some ways this is going to become a “fat blog,” but whatever you want to call it the voice of ShrinkGeek going forward is going to belong to one person.


ShrinkGeek is where I am going to continue to write about my life long struggle with my weight. It’s going to be much more personal and much less about “appealing to everyone.” This may, at times, involve commentary on health related items in the news and all the other types of information that you’ve seen on the site, but it’s all going to be through my eyes.

If Rafe is more your speed or you just like a little balance in your fitness reading I highly suggest you add Digital Discipline to your daily reading list. There you will continue to find his personal take on health and fitness, cranked all the way up to 11 (and sometimes beyond).

To all of you who are reading this (whether you are sticking around or not), you have my most heartfelt thanks for visiting our site and lending your virtual ears to our opinions and insights. It’s truly gratifying to know that we may have, in some way, helped a few of you get a bit closer to the goals you’ve set for yourself. I hope that if you stick around I am able to continue to motivate you to do press on.

Here’s to the future.

One thought on “Starting Over

  1. I, for one, will continue to read. I’m sad that the site is going through these changes, but I’ve always loved your posts, Michael, and will still look forward to them.

    I also wanted to say thanks to everyone that is leaving for all the work they did on this site. ShrinkGeek has always been a source of motivation for me, and I’m sure that it will continue to be under the new format.

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