Welcome to ShrinkGeek

In January of 2008 I sent out an email to several of my friends.  In that email I mentioned the fact that there weren’t any fitness sites that I was aware of that really targeted the Geek crowd and that, as Geeks who were somewhat experienced in that field, we should do something about that.

I may or may not have mentioned making money in the process.  I’m kinda fuzzy on that part.  I’ve been subequently told by that my business model of “I come up with a really good idea and people give me lots of money” was missing a few steps.

I thought it was a good plan, really.

I was intially very excited about the idea and I registered what I thought was a pretty nifty domain name, but life kind of got in the way of making anything happen.  Around November of this year it really started bugging me again, so I roped a few more people into my mad scheme and started getting them enthused about it.  To prove that I was really serious about making a go of this I even offered to go into business with them, and that’s how ShrinkGeek, LLC was born.

I wanted to go live on January 1st, but I was again reminded that I was putting the cart before the horse.  We kind of, you know, actually had to BE a business first.  Have a web site.  Little things like that.

I tell you.  All these people around me making sense.  It’s madness!

Five months later and a lot of trial and error later here we are.

Ultimately our goal at ShrinkGeek is to provide insight, inspiration, and information to anyone who wants to make healthy changes in their lives with a focus on doing so in a manner that we feel would be appealing to people who are into same kind of things we are.  Our staff of writers includes a mix of folks who are in shape and maintaing to those who are just starting on the journey and others who are somewhere in between.  We have personal trainers and folks who drive by a gym every once in a while.  Not only are we on different stages of the “Getting In Shape” quest, we’ve got different philosophies on how to get there too.  Some of us are low carb, while others are following paid diets, and one of us is even a Vegan.

The bottom line at ShrinkGeek is that we do not believe there is one definitive way to lose weight and get in shape once you get past the standard “Eat Less and Exercise.”  What’s important is that you find something that works for YOU.   We’re just here to maybe help you find what that is.   We’ll also be sharing health related news that we find interesting in our daily jaunts through the internet, again with our own personal spin on it.

In the words of the immortal Mr. Spock,  our ultimate goal is to help you “Live Long and Prosper.”

5 thoughts on “Welcome to ShrinkGeek

  1. Pingback: Meet The Geeks : Michael C. McGreevy | ShrinkGeek

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