Who is the Geekest Loser?

There is a communication barrier that exists between self-proclaimed geeks and your typical athlete. Someone who has never spent an entire weekend sitting around a table and rolling dice or who has actually injured something more than just their thumb playing football just doesn’t understand why anyone would want to “waste” their time playing games. In fact, more often than not, it seems like many fitness enthusiasts look upon “geeky” hobbies with nothing short of derision.

This lack of groking is one of the motivating reasons why we launched ShrinkGeek in the first place. We wanted to create a place where people who thought like us could seek out others who had the same kind of interests but who also wanted to improve their health. We firmly believe that it’s entirely possible to be geeky AND healthy, and we actively seek to promote activities that are conducive to both.

Which is why we’re happy to see that John Kovalic (the creator of the Dork Tower web comic and the illustrator behind countless games like Apples to Apples, Chez Geek, and Munchkin to name a VERY few) is trying to figure out who the Geekest Loser is.

John has been talking about the fact that he needs to lose a weight recently on his Twitter account, and he’s decided to try and encourage others to do it with him. He’s made a personal goal to lose 10 pounds per month in March and April and is encouraging his followers to join him in his weight loss efforts and share their commitment using the #GeekestLoser hash tag. He’s also setting up a Yahoo Group and will be posting details about hit on his feed.

There isn’t any kind of real contest in this. The whole point is to set some weight loss goals while trying to add a little bit of fun into the mix. An idea we fully support around these parts! Way to go, John!

One thought on “Who is the Geekest Loser?

  1. According to everyone I know, I’m the geekest looser. Of course, everyone who reads (or writes for) SG could probably say the same thing.


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