Who is the Geekest Loser?

There is a communication barrier that exists between self-proclaimed geeks and your typical athlete. Someone who has never spent an entire weekend sitting around a table and rolling dice or who has actually injured something more than just their thumb playing football just doesn’t understand why anyone would want to “waste” their time playing games. In fact, more often than not, it seems like many fitness enthusiasts look upon “geeky” hobbies with nothing short of derision.

This lack of groking is one of the motivating reasons why we launched ShrinkGeek in the first place. We wanted to create a place where people who thought like us could seek out others who had the same kind of interests but who also wanted to improve their health. We firmly believe that it’s entirely possible to be geeky AND healthy, and we actively seek to promote activities that are conducive to both.

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Getting fit for…GenCon?

gencon-300x129I’ve been part of the convention scene in one way or another since I was about 13 years old.  While I wasn’t traveling out of state to go to the “big” shows there was a group of gamers who ran an organization known as Suncoast Skirmishes that, at one time, put on about 5 shows in Florida every year.  In all of the conventions I have been to, though, I have never been to one that sparked as many crash diets as Dragon*Con.  Whether it is cosplay or fetish gear there are many reasons to worry that someone is going to take a picture of you during the convention that is going to reveal that you had one too many Double Bypass Burgers since your last trip to Atlanta.

Apparently, though, Dragon*Con doesn’t have the corner on the market for self-image anxiety in the convention world.

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