Getting fit for…GenCon?

gencon-300x129I’ve been part of the convention scene in one way or another since I was about 13 years old.  While I wasn’t traveling out of state to go to the “big” shows there was a group of gamers who ran an organization known as Suncoast Skirmishes that, at one time, put on about 5 shows in Florida every year.  In all of the conventions I have been to, though, I have never been to one that sparked as many crash diets as Dragon*Con.  Whether it is cosplay or fetish gear there are many reasons to worry that someone is going to take a picture of you during the convention that is going to reveal that you had one too many Double Bypass Burgers since your last trip to Atlanta.

Apparently, though, Dragon*Con doesn’t have the corner on the market for self-image anxiety in the convention world.

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