Your Computer Will Kill You!

Together In Electric Dreams!It is fairly safe to say that computers are not, inherently, conducive to healthy living.  Sitting in the same position for hours on end staring at a screen that is only a few feet from your face is not really the kind of activity that contributes to a robust and healthy lifestyle .   While there are tools available for your computer that can assist you with your health and fitness goals (like, oh, a certain web site I could name), generally speaking extended daily computer use is considered to be a very bad thing.

What you may not be aware of, though, is that the computer sitting on your desk might actually be dangerous.  I’m not talking about the kind of danger to your long term health that is the result of inactivity, and I’m not even talking about the potential of developing conditions like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome due to the repetitive motion of using a mouse.  No, my friends, I’m talking about the threat of real bodily harm that could send you to the emergency room.

Ok, so in all honesty it’s not nearly as dramatic as it I made it sound, but it’s early and it gave me a chance to use an image from Electric Dreams so cut me some slack.

Information gathered from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System database indicates that more than 78,000 cases of “acute computer-related injuries” were seen in Emergency Rooms throughout the United States between 1994 and 2006.   The most common form of injuries reported in the study seem to be the result of tripping over cords (said action occasionally resulting in equipment falling on the victims), but there are also records of people being injured by running into computers, trying to repair them, plugging them in,  or simply using them.  Regardless of the obvious humor present in that last item, I have seen what happens when a CD with a crack in it decides to shatter while being spun inside a CD-ROM drive.  It’s not a pretty sight.

While the numbers that popped up in this study certainly don’t represent any kind of imminent threat to the health and safety of the masses, they are an amusing reminder for us to take a look at how we’ve got our computer equipment set up in our homes and offices.  If you have cords in a place where they could be tripped over consider purchasing a cord cover to make those walkways a little safer.   Move your monitor so it is not hanging off the edge of your desk.  Do not work on a computer that is plugged in.

You know…the little things like that.

While you’re on your quest to improve your overall health make sure you don’t do anything that could injure you and slow down the progress you’re making.

And because I love you here’s a reminder of the awesomeness that was Electric Dreams.

5 thoughts on “Your Computer Will Kill You!

  1. One of my challenges is being active enough all day. I have a timer program on my PC ( I have it set so that every 55 minutes, I must get up and take a 5 minute break. (The game I play with myself is that during those 5 minutes I can’t sit down. I work from home — so I go walk around the block or stretch or do squats or something.) Just that little bit of activity, 5 minutes every hour, has been an incredible change for me. I feel much less exhausted at the end of a long day.

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