Shoes may not be the best fit for runners

About four months ago I got into a conversation with a friend of mine about the fact that I had taken up jogging. I was about three quarters of the way through the Cool Running “Couch to 5K” training program and I had signed up to participate in my first official race on Thanksgiving. Knowing that I still had a decent amount of weight to lose and that I had dealt with weight-related injuries in the past my friend asked whether or not I was worried about injuries and suggested that if I wanted to improve my cardiovascular fitness I might consider a lower impact exercise like swimming.

At the time I was a little put off by his statements, to be honest. There is nothing quite as discouraging as having someone cast doubts about the safety of an activity that you’re working very hard to master. The fact of the matter is, though, that he had a point. Running is a fantastic way to burn calories and improve your endurance, but it can cause some significant injuries if you aren’t careful (and sometimes even if you are). I’m still, by most standards, about fifty pounds overweight and I am frequently sore for a day or so after I complete a run. All of that extra weight is pretty hard on my joints to being with and jogging is a fairly high impact activity. Not only that, but some researchers now think that the fact that runners wear shoes at all makes them more likely to injure themselves.

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Unexpected additives found in many weight loss supplements

steveb_ohio via flickr

It isn’t easy to achieve or maintain a healthy weight. If it was there would be no such thing as a multi-billion dollar weight loss industry. While we contend here at ShrinkGeek that the only tried and true method of losing weight is to eat less and exercise, we concede that there is no such thing as a “one size fits all” solution on the best way to get there. The struggle to find the combination of diet and exercise that works best for your particular personality and physiology is probably the hardest part about losing weight, and frustration over finding out what you can and can not live with can be a potentially crippling road block to your progress.

Many people chose to rely on “natural” dietary supplements to aid in their weight-loss efforts, and with good reason. The ability to consume a product that can help you lose weight without introducing any man made chemicals into your system is pretty appealing! Unfortunately, it appears as though a lot of people who use these products are getting considerably more than they bargain for.

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Your Computer Will Kill You!

Together In Electric Dreams!It is fairly safe to say that computers are not, inherently, conducive to healthy living.  Sitting in the same position for hours on end staring at a screen that is only a few feet from your face is not really the kind of activity that contributes to a robust and healthy lifestyle .   While there are tools available for your computer that can assist you with your health and fitness goals (like, oh, a certain web site I could name), generally speaking extended daily computer use is considered to be a very bad thing.

What you may not be aware of, though, is that the computer sitting on your desk might actually be dangerous.  I’m not talking about the kind of danger to your long term health that is the result of inactivity, and I’m not even talking about the potential of developing conditions like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome due to the repetitive motion of using a mouse.  No, my friends, I’m talking about the threat of real bodily harm that could send you to the emergency room.

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