Oh boy! Now a place I can put test results.

You are 51% geek
You are a geek. Good for you! Considering the endless complexity of the universe, as well as whatever discipline you happen to be most interested in, you’ll never be bored as long as you have a good book store, a net connection, and thousands of dollars worth of expensive equipment. Assuming you’re a technical geek, you’ll be able to afford it, too. If you’re not a technical geek, you’re geek enough to mate with a technical geek and thereby get the needed dough. Dating tip: Don’t date a geek of the same persuasion as you. You’ll constantly try to out-geek the other.

Take the Polygeek Quiz at Thudfactor.com

I have been feeling so energized this week. Maybe it’s the whole bipolar thing. Now that I’ve had a low I’m on my way to a really good high. Or maybe I’m not bipolar at all and I just had a few crappy days and now I’m getting my shit back together.

Karen bought a treadmill over the weekend, and I’ve been using it every day. Couple that with the walks I take in the afternoons with Eve, and I’m not back to the same level of physical activity I was at when I was really motivated and into weight watchers. I’ve had two weeks now of consistent loss, and with this new burst of activity I’m hoping to see even better results this week. I’ve also been finding it easier to eat less recently, for some reason. Again, maybe it’s just the whole attitude of feeling better about myself and not taking comfort in food.

Eve and I pitched a project to a store in Ybor City last night, and I’m really excited about the prospects of working for these guys. The place is called “Kicks on 7th,” and it’s a really cool kink shop. While we were there a stripper was in the place shopping for costumes, and Eve said they get a lot of strippers in there. Can’t go wrong with strippers. Randy, the man who runs the place, asked me if I was single. When I told him I was he said “you’re going to like working here.” One of the reasons I’m so excited about it, though, is that Randy seems like a genuinely nice guy. Eve picked out a wig to purchase for a friend of hers who recently had brain surgery, and he told her to take it and not worry about the price for now, since “we’re working for him.” How cool is that? He didn’t even make her sign anything. Just gave it to her on faith. It doesn’t seem like you run into people like that too often these days.

The party of idiots!

I’m really starting to wonder if the Democratic Party isn’t determined to label themselves “The Party of Morons everywhere.”

I’m a card carrying Democrat, and I have been ever since I registered to vote for the first time. Chances are, unless some sort of truly viable third party comes along, I always will be. I do not vote along party lines, however, and in fact I support several Republican officials here in Florida.

The problem I’m currently having, however, comes from the fact that the Democratic party is making a stink about ballots in our upcoming Gubernatorial primary, and I really think they are making Democrats as a whole look like drooling idiots.

Here’s the situation. As you all well know, we had a wee bit of difficulty here in Florida during the last Presidential election. There was a “confusing” ballot in Palm Beach county that caused a lot of people to vote for the wrong candidate in the election. This was insturmental in helping George Bush win Florida and, subsequently, the election. So we’re all a bit sensitive about our ballots here, and great steps are being taken to insure that this doesn’t happen again. Many counties here have converted to touch screen technology, but those that haven’t will be using the old fashioned paper ballots again.

And this is the crux of the current issue.

The ballot for the gubernatorial primaries has wording that, according to some, will instruct people to select two candidates for governor. Which will cause an overvote. The wording in question is “Choose one pair.” The problem, apparently, is that none of the candidates have chosen a running mate yet, so Democrats are making a stink about the fact that people will vote for two primary candidates. In other words, voting for Bill McBride AND Janet Reno.

My question is, if someone is THAT friggin’ clueless do we really want to cater to them?

I find it a bit insulting that they are assuming we are so uninformed in the process that we would actually think that it’s possible to vote for two candidates in a primary. What’s worse, is that the party leaders seem to think we NEED that protection. They are talking about brining a law suit to get it changed. “Our constituents are stupid,” they seem to be saying, “and we need to protect them from themselves.”

Do we really need to support the belief that Democrats are simpletons who can’t figure out a ballot? We’ve had enough grief about that since the Palm Beach County incident. I know it’s a radical concept, but can’t we rely on voters to educate themselves to the process? Isn’t it reasonable that we expect people to inform themselves about who is going to be on their ballots and what they are voting on? Isn’t that one of our duties as responsible members of the voting society? Why do we want people who would be so clueless as to be uninformed as to what they are voting on to be in the polling places in the first place?

Oh, because stupid people will elect us…I forgot…

On a similar note, I’m constantly amused by the party line voting that so many people exhibit these days. Let’s vote for Jeb just because he’s a Republican. Hey, do you like the FCAT? No? Do you like vouchers going to private schools? No? Are you happy about the fact that the sales tax holiday was suspended this year? No? Still going to vote for Jeb? Yes???

Politics make my head hurt.

You know, I’m really starting to get sick of President Bush.

Now, I realize that isn’t going to come as a surprise to most of you. I didn’t vote for him, I don’t believe he is our legal president, and even knowing what I know now I wish Al Gore was in office to have dealt with our current state of affairs. However, I thought he did an admirable job of pulling the country together after September 11th. He said what needed to be said at the time, and he took steps to attempt to insure that it wouldn’t happen again. For that, I applaud him.

I am, however, getting absolutely fed up with the Terrorism bullshit.

Today, President Bush met with the nine miners that were trapped up in Pennsylvania for three days. He took this event as an opportunity to push his anti-terrorism agenda. I’m sorry, but can someone tell me exactly how in the hell nine touch son of a bitches surviving some horrid conditions relates to our “struggle” against terrorism? I hate to say it, but I really think we are heading down a road of ruin with this whole war on terrorism. More and more, we are hearing from our elected leaders about the “radical” steps we are going to have to take to make sure these events aren’t going to happen again, and the more I see them talk about it the more frightened I get.

Oh, and the icing on the cake in this situation for me is the fact that the miners weren’t allowed to talk to the media, because they have each signed exclusive $150,000 movie deals with Disney for the rights to their story.

Yep, that’s the Spirit of America all right.

After moving all of my Soabpox entries from my web site at critus.com, I am no officially in Live Journal land. I spent way too much time last night working on the javascript that integrates my Live Journal with my web site, and I’m almost to the point where I’m ready to include that as well. So prepare yourselves, Live Journal users! Critus has arrived!

Hrm…That wasn’t the least bit egocentric, was it?

So today I really upset one of my closer online friends. She was telling me about the problems she is having with her boyfriend. To sum up, he’s moving away soon and he’s confusing her as to how he feels about the whole situation. Whether or not he wants to continue afterward.

I forgot one of my golden rules of talking to my female friends when they have a problem. I got analytical on her. I talked to her like I was talking to a man. I tried to offer solutions and insight instead of just letting her rant.

I told her, in essence, that maybe her boyfriend really didn’t love her.

Yeah, I know. Utterly brilliant move, that one was. Needless to say she wasn’t pleased with me, and from that point on she didn’t talk to me for the rest of the day. This is someone who I normally talk to just about all day long. Thing is, I don’t feel she is unjustified in her ire with me. I said a stupid, boneheaded thing. I didn’t think about what I said before I said it, and I made someone who was already feeling shitty feel considerably worse.

Great move on my part.

In better news, my mood has increased dramatically, thanks in no small part to the sheer number of concerned emails and phone calls I received from people who read my last soapbox entry. It’s nice to know so many people care, but I feel really bad for worrying them. I think people thought I was going to hurt myself. That, my friends, was never the case. I wouldn’t do that to my family and friends. I was just very down, and very tired, and needed some rest. Again, however, I thank you all for your concern.