Weight Tracking Summary

Your current weight | 268.8 lbs
Weight change since your last recorded weight | +5.1 lbs
Total weight change to date | -150.4 lbs


I was expecting that and it still sucks. I got a feelling that a lot of it is water related, though. When I woke up this morning I had cotton mouth, like I had been drinking, but all I had last night at the bar was a Red Bull. I think I’m definitely dehydrated.

No worries. Valentine’s Week is over.

The Boys Next Door is finally open. We’ve had two audiences now, and so far it’s been very well received. Critics from all three of the local papers were apparently in the house last night, so that’s out of the way and we can forget that particular little worry.

I’m very proud of the work we’ve done in this show, and the fact that the director of HARC came back to the dressing room to give us kudos last night was a nice indicator that we aren’t making a joke of our characters.

Now if only I could stop stepping on mollyq‘s feet.

In other news…

Tomorrow ought to be fun. I’ve got to get caught up in my college classes. In the last few weeks I’ve seriously slacked off, mainly because of the show. By the time I get home at night I’m seriously NOT in a mental state to study. In fact, about the only thing I am capable of is mindless video game violence and kinky sex (and sometimes I’m too tired for the former…never the latter…). And speaking of video games…

MMORPG stuff….cut for those who could care less.


Well, I just got the CPU back from Newegg, and after a really thorough examination I have determined it is irrevocably fucked. I don’t know if it origianlly came that way or if I did it, but one of the pins is bent so badly that it appears broken (and may even be).

So, yeah. It’s a done deal and a $265 lesson learned. No more OEM CPU’s. Ever.

Ganked from spprs becuase I'm lazy


Feb. 17 – March 6, 2005
Shimberg Playhouse
Thursdays 8p $16.50, Fridays 8p $19.50, Saturdays 8p $21.50, Sundays 4p $19.50

Ned Averill-Snell directs a stellar Bay area cast in Tom Griffin’s heartwarming comedy about four mentally handicapped men and the earnest but “burned out” social worker who supervises them. Mingled with scenes from the daily lives of these four, where “little things” sometimes become momentous (and often very funny), are moments of great poignancy when we are reminded with touching effectiveness that the handicapped, like the rest of us, want only to love and laugh and find some meaning and purpose in the brief time which they are allotted on this earth.

Buy tickets here.
Get more info here.

Another note – The Paid Preview is TONIGHT. Tickets are only $10. Perfect night to come out if the budget is tight.