Weight Tracking Summary

Your current weight | 278.2 lbs
Weight change since your last recorded weight | -1.6 lbs
Total weight change to date | -141.0 lbs

So I realized something interesting about myself tonight. I am not comfortable with the thought of bragging about my weight loss during the meetings? Why? Because I’m still up over 40 pounds from my lowest weight since I’ve been on program. Odd, that. I forced myself to do it anyway, because I remember how proud I used to be when I did so, but it didn’t feel right.

Just an observation. Still happy I lost weight!


I just got my second replacement video card. Installed it. Updated BIOS. Updated Drivers. Loaded WoW.

Within a matter of minutes the screen began to shred.

At this point I can only conclude that it is the second PCI-Express slot on my Motherboard that is the culprit. The only way I can truly test this is by putting the card that I know works in it. I’m not doing that. I’m done. Fuck SLI. Fuck it in it’s Bleeding Edge ass. Considering the difficulties I’ve now had with several of their motherboards, I have something to say about ASUS that I thought I’d never say.

I will never, ever, buy another ASUS product.

That’s sad. I remember when having an ASUS Motherboard was something to be proud of. If this is any indication of where they are now as a company they’ve fallen far.

Whoo hoo!

I got my contacts in this morning all by myself!

Go me!

Anyone who has ever helped me do makeup during a show knows what a big deal this is. I’m Blinky McBlinksalot.

Who knows? One day I might actually be able to do it before the contact dries out and I won’t have to immediately put eye drops in.

My headshot pic is going to be more accurate now! Hooray!

I haven’t seen my Mother in a while. Methinks that either today or tomorrow I’ll go have lunch with her.

Umm…I think that’s it.

All Morning Post

I think I’m going to take my vacation soon. Very soon. Like within the next few weeks soon. I need to rest, and I need to get some things done around the house. It’s not like there is going to be any “real” vacation for us this year, anyway.

I don’t know. I’m just stressed. Still. The problem with the roof isn’t helping. Especially with hurricane season kicking into full force (Hello, TD5!). Our beautiful yard looks like utter crap at the moment, with the mangled remains of the gazebo and the plants that have been blown almost flat.

Speaking of storms – Have any of you in the area actually purchased plywood? How much am I looking at spending here?

I believe I’m more bummed out about my afternoon with A. not working out than I thought.

Meh. Can’t really think of anything interesting to write.

War of the Queasies

So A. wanted to have a Father/Son day today. I asked him what he wanted to do, and we decided to go catch The Fantastic Four at Parkside. Problem is that Parkside is currently having a promotion where you get a free drink and popcorn with a ticket purchase (ends today). The place was a mad house. The movie we wanted to see was sold out, so we decided to see War of the Worlds instead. After getting our tickets we got in line for snacks. And waited a lot more! We finally got our snacks and got in the movie during the trailers. Of course the only seats left were in the very front row.

Now, I know I have motion sickness issues and I that it was probably going to make me ill, but this is for my son. I figured I’d tough it out. Turns out the apple didn’t fall far from the tree on that one. He started feeling really bad. At first I thought it might be the popcorn, nachos and candy but once all that was gone he kept getting progressively worse. Finally I asked him if he wanted to leave. “But you’d have wasted all that money!” he says.

God, I love my kid. He was going to sit there and suffer because he didn’t want my money to be wasted.

I assured him it was ok, and we cut out. Caught about an hour of the movie.

What we saw was pretty good, though.

Now we’re home, and after laying down for just a few minutes he’s already feeling better. So yeah…no more front row seating for him.

And now, a small rant…

I really don’t think it’s fair that movie theaters charge the same price for tickets in that section. Let’s face it. They suck. It’s VERY hard to enjoy a movie when you’re sitting there, and you’re usually sore and nauseous afterward. They should have two-tiered seating and charge less to sit in that section. That way you’d know before you decided to purchase your tickets whether or not you have to sit in the suck ass section and you wouldn’t get ripped off.

Of course, it would also be nice if they just had assigned seating.

Tell you what, big movie chains…You want my business? Give me more incentive to get out of the house. Assigned seating. Age restricted theaters. Enforced “silence is golden” rules. Make it so that it’s not more appealing for me to stay at home.

And here’s the kicker – You can charge more for it. Premium services, baby! I’d pay it!

Just my two cents.

So now A. and J. are playing video games. The Father/Son day was cut short.

Ah well.