No, seriously.
This particular little rant has been brewing for weeks now, but I’ve got a lot to do before my players show up for our weekly game so you might be spared. I know there is a lot of hubaloo about the Live Journal vs. MySpace wars, and that if you love one and hate the other I’m not going to sway your opinion one way or the other. Frankly, at this point, I don’t care. Someone has got to say this shit.
Here goes…
MySpace represents everything that is bad in web design. Everything we THOUGHT we left behind in the late 90’s. Embedded music. Animated images. Huge, distracting background images that make the text on a page impossible to read. Monstrously large font sizes in garish colors. It’s all there, and more often than not it’s the norm and NOT the exception.
What’s worse? ARTISTS have crappy sites like this? Voltaire. Roman Dirge. People who I admire and respect, but who have MySpace home pages that annoy the living crap out of me.
Everyone seems to have an embedded song. It’s “cool.” It’s a statement of who you are. That’s really fucking great and all, but every single time I go to your home page I have to listen to it. Which also, inevitably, happens late at night or early in the morning when I’m tired or haven’t had coffee yet.
Like right now.
You know why the designs on MySpace suck so bad? Because it’s too easy. In order to really mess with your Live Journal you have to know what you’re doing. Otherwise, you’re stuck with one of the default styles. Any moron can modify a MySpace account, though, and the minute they figure out they can they start doing so with utter and complete abandon.
“Thanks for the add!” Really? DO I have to say much more about this particular trend? “Here’s a slutty picture of my ass! This is what you get for making it look like people actually like me!”
The blog reading feature is bulky at best, and I’ve never gotten porn spam from Live Journal.
Oh, and Live Journal isn’t owned by Rupert Murdoch.
So yeah, I guess you can say I hate MySpace because, deep down, I feel there are many more really fucking stupid people there than there are on Live Journal…
…and that’s saying something.
Today’s entry brought to you by the letter “F” and the number 2