And lo…

…another weekend has passed.

All things considered, it was a pretty good one. Friday night was the surprise bachelor party for donwaughesq. There was a limo. There were strippers. There was drinking. There were really foul gaseous expulsions. There were kilts, and trauma from discovering that said kilts were being worn “traditionally.” There was Indian food. There were no explosions, nor were there any cops involved. So it was a smashing success.

Saturday was the big day. Made some food, and took our caravan to the ceremony. Great eats, lots of laughs, and an absolutely lovely sunset ceremony. Missed my workout, though.

Sunday got off to a late start due to the damn time change, but the game went off without a hitch. Alex had to miss again due to not getting his science fair project done, which kinda sucked but school is more important – even if it does cut into this newfound weekly “family” time we’ve discovered.

Yeah, all told a great weekend considering that at 4PM Friday it looked like it might end up sucking the big cock.

Have finished reading all the new plays in the upcoming Jobsite season, and I have to say that so far I am grooving on This Is How It Goes a LOT. Great read, and with Ami directing it I expect wonderful things. Definitely going to be one to catch. In fact, with the notable exception of The Serpent (which is going to be one of those “needs to be seen and not read” pieces) I really enjoyed reading all the shows in the next season. I think it’s going to be a good one.

I have to go grocery shopping. Don’t wanna.

I have to do laundry. Don’t wanna do that, either.

I have to work out. Want to do that.

Food wise, it was NOT the best of weekends. Feeling a bit on the bloated side today, and I think I’m going to have to be really careful the rest of the week if I want to see any progress. And trust me, I want to see some progress.