Dragon*Con 2007 Memberships

Are now available at the Dragon*Con store for only $45.

As I said in my earlier post, if you’re local and you think there is ANY chance you’ll want to swing by the Con I highly recommends that you purchase the four day super advanced pass and save yourself a ton of heartache. If for some reason you decide not to go, you can always resell it to someone and they can pay the $20 to transfer it (if they waited until the last minute, that would still get them a four day pass for $65 as opposed to $85).

[Diet] Weight Tracking Summary

Your current weight | 279.8 lbs
Weight change since your last recorded weight | +2.6 lbs
Total weight change to date | -139.4 lbs

I was up .6 pounds last week, so that put my total gain for two really horrid weekends (eating wise) at 3.2 pounds. That’s…not so bad. I’m more worried about the fact that I haven’t really exercised in a few weeks than anything else, to be honest. Really need to get back into that again.

Would write more, but have to get ready for class.

Booze Note

To all of our friends who may stop by for socializing or gaming in the near future,

Please do not bring any adult beverages. The bottom shelf of our fridge is currently full with various beers, ciders, and malt beverages. We have more than enough. Yes, it may not all be the best…but damnit, it needs to go!

Your hosts,

Mike and Krystalle

Dragon*Con in review

If you’re really all that interested in general goings on of the con, I’m sure you’re already on the relevant communities so I won’t give a play by play of every little thing. Just wanted to jot down some of my thoughts and feelings from the weekend.

First and foremost, etcet and aishlynn were absolutely awesome to have along. They made almost every aspect of the con more enjoyable for me, and I’m looking forward to going back with them next year. Having roommates that don’t suck is a big bonus, and they definitely feel into the “don’t suck” category.

Security was much better this year than the last time I went (2003). They were just as strict with their traffic regulation, but they were much more polite and efficient about it. The last time I went Security pissed me off so badly I was almost to the point of never going again from that aspect alone, so it was nice to see that they managed to find a good balance between effective regulation and courtesy.

It was great to finally meet baobh, mykal and Seeth. I met a few other folks, but names (or livejournals) suddenly escape me. Also got a drive-by hello of fieryredhead and spud. Spoke on the phone a few times with Holly, and spent an hour or so with nancyblue and cuplan. This is all kind of in line with my biggest regret of the weekend. I didn’t spend nearly enough time with my friends who were there. Next year I’m going to make sure I get time to at least see folks who I normally wouldn’t see otherwise, and might even arrange a small room party to that effect.

Next time I won’t wait until 10:30 PM the night before we leave to see if my cooler is in the shed. Not having that along led to a lot of money spent on drink (and some dehydration) that wasn’t really necessary. On that note, smokes and booze are to be purchased locally before leaving as well. If I’m going to be driving, I’m going to take advantage of the space available in my vehicle.

There needs to be more (and better) WoW based programming. To that end, I’ve already sent an email to the director of the gaming track volunteering my services (and netgoth‘s) for next year.

I will get Sushi by the pound next year. Damnit.

Room service in the Marriott is way very expensive (duh), and led to some stomach troubles for netgoth and I on Monday. Won’t be repeating that particular dining experience.

If at all possible, someone in the party should arrive on Thursday. Because we got in Friday we were given a room about half way up the Marriott and had to part about a block and a half away from the hotel. The latter actually turned out to be less expensive, but with as hectic as traffic was getting in and leaving, it would have been nice to Valet.

If I can’t get to a concert early, I’m not going to bother going. It’s hard to get energized about a show when you’re sitting in the back of a room and can’t really see the artist.

Need more club clothes for next year. Felt frumpy. Additional weight loss between now and then is mandatory as well. When I went to my first Dragon*Con I weighed about 250. That seems to be my threshold of feeling attractive.

Any local that wants to go to Dragon*Con, even if for only one day, should pre-register for the whole weekend. The early registration cost is only $45, and it keeps you from being stuck in a line for 5 hours on the day you want to visit. For that matter, you can swing by on Thursday night and get your pass before anyone even shows up.

Better shoes are a requirement. Converse with worn out soles lead to back spasms.

I need a better way to carry my camera. Walking around with it in my pocket just annoyed me and made me leave it in the room more often than not. As such, I got jack for pictures.

I want to CosPlay next year. I’m seriously considering The Blue Raja and Londo Molari. Obviously the latter would be a more expensive rig to put together, but I figure if I start working on it now I might be able to make it happen. Was also thinking about doing The Kingpin, but I’m honestly not sure I’m large enough to pull it off convincingly. Not to mention the fact that there’s already a guy who does it every year that pulls it off quite nicely.

Next year I’ll spend more time going over the program in advance and planning what I want to see.

George Takei was delightful, and he revealed that he’s going to be in a future episode of Star Trek : New Voyages. The episode is actually one of the seven scripts commissioned for the re-launch of Star Trek that Paramount was planning back in the late 70’s (the series was scrapped in favor of making The Motion Picture). He didn’t reveal too much, but apparently Sulu ends living 30 years of his life in what, to the crew of the Enterprise, is one minute. They were going to age him with makeup at the time. Now he can play himself. Convenient, that.

Probably more to report, but my back porch flooded yesterday and I need to go to the grocery store.

Later, folks!

We are home…

I’m tired as hell, but all in all it was a great weekend. I’m so happy to have finally gone back to Dragon*Con I can’t even begin to tell you all.

I’ve realized, however, that I’m definitely out of practice at the whole Con game. Been too long since I’ve been to one. Won’t make some of the mistakes next year that I did this time around.

Full report tomorrow. Until then, I’m off to sleep in my own bed.