Monthly Archives: June 2008
A few things I don't understand
I just don’t get it.
Ok, let’s start with the Twitter thing. I get that many Tweets are replies to other Tweets and that reading them is like hearing half of a conversation. I understand that complaint. But what about those that aren’t? There seems to be some kind of misconception out there that because of the fact that a Tweet is limited to 140 characters it is somehow less valid than a Live Journal post. I’ve got news for you, folks. I made posts that were 140 characters or less long before there was a Twitter, and there’s very few people on my friends list who can say that they haven’t. I suppose if the Tweets were posted every time someone made a new one I could see how that would get to be a bit much, but they aren’t. At least, none of the feeders I’ve seen so far work that way. It’s one digest post made daily, and a good number of people who I know that are posting them now are even putting them behind cuts.
So why the anxiety?
What’s more, if you don’t want to read them…er…don’t? Which then leads into my not understanding why there is anxiety when someone chooses to put a long post up without a cut tag. I fail to see why the act of scrolling a mouse wheel past a long post you don’t wish to read is such a hardship. Or, for that matter, why it’s so difficult to scroll past something that, perhaps, is talking about a subject you don’t care to read about.
I have a lot of people on my friends list. I do not read every post that comes across it. There is no rule stating that if you have someone on their friends list you are required to read everything they write, and I think it’s foolish to assume that your words are so important that everyone who has you on their friends list is going to do so. I can pretty much assure you that longer posts, cut tagged or not, end up getting skimmed anyway. Why? Because, as I have said many times in the past, I see more comments on live journal when the post is short than I do on the epic length, well written and thoughtful ones.
So yeah. I skim. You skim. We all skim. As such, I don’t understand why skimming past something you don’t care to read is a reason to get angry.
I have one exception to the above statements. Outlandish font sizes (especially when used in conjunction with profanity). Images are no problem. If you are afraid you’re going to see an image that might get you in trouble or be offensive you can change your LJ settings to automatically put all images behind a thumbnail. That’s easy. But big fonts you really can’t do anything about, and those always tend to pop up right as your boss is walking past your desk or someone at home is looking over your shoulder. That is pretty much the only time I’ll ask someone to put something behind a cut tag, and if they choose not to? No skin off my back, really, but I’ll likely take them off of my friends list (I don’t use reading filters…too much work. My friends list IS my reading list. As I’ve ranted about before, being on my “friends list” is no indicator at all of whether or not you are actually my friend).
The other thing I don’t get (that is completely unrelated but is already cropping up with the announcement that Blizzard is going to release Diablo III) is people that seem to get offended when you aren’t as excited about something as they are. Blizzard in particular seems to evoke this kind of fanatical fan base. The fact that I am not interested in something is by no means a criticism of you if you are, and my reasons for not being so are mine. I don’t need to be convinced that I’m wrong, nor if I explain my reasons do I think you are if you disagree with me. It’s an opinion, and it’s a matter of taste. That’s it.
Of course, I also don’t understand why the above things bugged me enough to take the time to write about them. But they did, and hey…it’s not a tweet. Hell, I might even put this behind a cut tag.
Tweets for Today
Tweets for Today
Please allow me to introduce myself…
Yes, I’ve been waiting to use that for a while now.
I’ve been cast in The History of the Devil! I’ll be playing two characters – Court Clerk Milo Milo and boxer Daniel Mendoza.
Get your tickets now! It should be a wild ride. (While you’re at it, get a few tickets to go see A Dream Play – It closes this weekend)
Tweets for Today
So much hate….
I just had to throw out a mixer that I got as a present from my Mother not too terribly long ago? Why? Because at some point one of the fucking cats decided to use it as a urinal. I went to make brownies to discover some kind of thick, crusty substance in the bottom of the bowl. I thought it was some kind of Chinese sauce, because my family has a tendency to dump the sauce and fortune cookie packets from our delivery bags in the bowl. I don’t understand it, but they do (especially when they always just end up in the garbage anyway…but I digress).
So I pull the bowl off and head towards the sink to clean it when I catch that smell. If you’ve ever been around cat piss before you know the smell I’m talking about. Disbelieving I bring the bowl up to my nose and sure enough the caked up liquid in the bowl is cat piss.
Not only was it in the bowl, it was all over the damn mixer. There’s no cleaning that. I could never eat anything from it again knowing it had fetid and caked cat urine in it.
So..yeah…animals? They suck. No amount of pets and purrs makes up for this shit. I’m tired of having living beings in my house that cannot clean up after themselves and who will arbitrarily decide that it’s perfectly ok to piss anywhere other than the designated bathroom areas. I’m tired of hairballs and ruined furniture. I’m tired of every black piece of clothing I own looking like ass if I sit down in my house. I’m just…yeah…
Am I going to get rid of them? No, not at the moment….but I’ve already gotten rid of one cat who refused to use the box. If I catch one of the two we have left doing it again that cat is gone.
Tweets for Today
Tweets for Today
Apparently if I leave my computer on 24/7 I’m paying about $405 a year to run it.
I think it may be time to re-assess the computers staying on all the time at the house.