It’s Not About Respect

I recently asked a male relative of mine if he would send his nephews to a rape defense class. This was part of a larger discussion on rape culture, misogyny, and the general state of affairs in our society that have been brought into sharp focus due to the recent events in California. My relative replied to my question by stating that he would hope his nephews “would respect women.”

Now ignoring the fact that he dodged my very direct question almost completely, what he said was still somewhat interesting to me. In the next few days,  I saw similar comments from other men I knew along the same lines. More often than not, I see them offered up as part of a thinly veiled “Not All Men” defense. “I was raised to respect women,” the argument goes, “so clearly I am not part of this ‘rape culture’ you speak of.”

This defense is not only irrelevant and distracting, it’s also inherently flawed…and it proves exactly what it is trying to deny.

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Tampa Bound

Image shameless yanked from

Image shameless yanked from

When I originally bought the house in St. Petersburg that I am currently living in, back in 1999, it was pretty much perfect in every way. It was big enough to accommodate my family, it was within a few miles of both my Sister and my Mother (who were helping us raise our son), it was near great schools, and it was safe. What it wasn’t, by any means, was close to my job. I was working in Clearwater at that point, at the Staples up on Sunset Road. My daily commute, distance-wise, wasn’t horrible…but it wasn’t great either (especially considering the fact that, at that point, very little of the construction that has improved traffic on U.S. 19 had been completed).

My next job after Staples was my first job working for a software company, and the office was located in Tampa near the airport. The commute wasn’t horrible, because I was able to get off of the interstate right at the airport exit and miss the traffic going through the downtown area, but it wasn’t great either. It was around this time that I started acting professionally, and with the exception of one show in the entire time I’ve been acting all of them have been in Tampa. I briefly worked for a company that had an office that was right off of the airport exit from 275, but it was still in Tampa.

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The Road To Hell

Sometimes people need to fail.

I know that’s kind of a weird concept these days. We live in a world where everyone gets a trophy and products are marketed to us because we “deserve” them. We live in a world where we have to be sensitive about the feelings of everyone around us, and where we have to be careful about everything we say because our comments might be offensive. American culture is perfectly reflected in our medicine – we’re all loaded up on antibiotics and over-sanitized, and as a result we’re starting to develop some pretty horrible diseases because we aren’t letting our systems build up the proper immunities.

This really isn’t new.

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Confessions of a Middle-Aged Member of Generation X

S358_28142889665_850_no last week I turned 41.

This is kinda mind-blowing to me, as I am now officially “in” my forties. I’m no longer just 40. Oh, no. I have now fallen off the cliff into being middle-aged. That nebulous time when we’re supposed to be all grown up but we still don’t really know what the hell we are doing and we spend all of our time trying to get everyone around us not to see that.

It’s fun. No, really. I also enjoy playing the “what hurts this morning?” game and having to squint when I read small print. It’s just lovely.

I wasn’t inspired to write this post because of angst over my current age bracket, though. What actually got me to blow the dust off the old WordPress server was the decision to come clean about a few things.

You see, folks…In many ways I’m not your typical member of Generation X.

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Live Blog : 3-Day Reboot, Day 3

Current Weight : 308 pounds

Yeah, so I’ve dropped 7.4 pounds since Friday. I can’t say I’m upset by that, although I’m perfectly aware of the fact that if I went back to eating the way I was before we started juicing it would come right back on and bring a few friends.

Not a lot of updates yesterday because, well…it pretty much sucked. Energy levels were pretty low for most of the day, even though we did manage to perk up enough at one point to go for a walk to the grocery store. Unfortunately, that pretty much killed us for the rest of the day. Had some gastric issues yesterday as well that I will spare you the details of. Last night while we were watching TV together we were both pretty much miserable and hating life.

Today, though? Feeling pretty great so far. We were out of the house within an hour after getting out of bed to run to Home Depot for a [amazon asin=B009378AG2&text=composting bin], and then it was off to the produce stand for more supplies. Energy levels are pretty good so far, too. Lisa has decided to start experimenting with different juices that she is making up on the fly, and she’s had some great success so far. All things considered, I’d say it’s been a positive experience so far.

Now we just have to decide where we’re going to go from here. Are we going to continue juicing? Are we going to try and eat vegan? The answer to both seems to be yes at this point.

More updates as the day goes on if they occur to me.


Live Blog : 3-Day Reboot, Day 2

Current Weight : 313.4

So I’m down just under two pounds in one day. Not bad, but certainly not anything dramatic, and I’m completely OK with that. I mean, the whole point here isn’t dramatic weight loss (not that I’m going to complain if it happens). Pretty much felt like crap when I woke up this morning. Kind of like I had a hangover. The beet juice yesterday was a bit of a road block, and it kind of set me off my game for the rest of the day. I was really NOT looking forward to having a juice this morning, but once I actually had it I felt considerably better about the whole thing.

I may have to run to the store today to get some herbal tea, but the plan for now is really to just continue sequestering ourselves in the house as we adjust to this. Unfortunately, some of our favorite shows are food related.


Live Blog : 3-Day Reboot, Day 1

Starting weight : 315.2

It’s odd how weird it feels not to be doing our normal routines this morning. I laid in bed for about 20 minutes thinking “I should go make coffee. No, wait. I’m not having any coffee today.” That part is really kind of freaking me out a bit, because oh do I love the coffee. I also drink a lot of it. Will be interesting to see what kind of side effects I have from suddenly going cold turkey. What I’m drinking instead, though, is some how water with lemon. Mmmm! Tasty!

Actually, it’s not really that bad. At least it’s hot. That’s kinda tricking my brain a little, I guess.


On Veganism, Juicing, and Making A Change

Image courtesy of Paul Downey via flickr

Image courtesy of Paul Downey via flickr

I’ve Seen Better Days Than This One
I’ve Seen Better Nights Than This One
Tension Is Rebuilding
Something’s Got To Give
Something’s Got To Give

– The Beastie Boys, “Something’s Got To Give”, [amazon asin=B000TEPD6I&text=Check Your Head]

In the interest of avoiding repetition, I’m going to do my best to avoid spending much time on the “I’m going to really focus on putting content here” part of this blog post. The small handful of you that are still following this blog have heard it before, and it isn’t worth my time or yours to spend time on empty promises. We all know it’s going to come down to time, interest, and motivation. If I post, I post. Same goes for Rafe and Tessa.

Sure, that sounds kinda negative and defeatist, but it’s not. It’s just reality. We’re busy, we have active lives, and ShrinkGeek is a labor of love for us.

Obligatory apology/disclaimer done. Moving on.

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Looking Into The Mirror : A Theory On The Future of the J.J. Abrams Trek Universe


Warning: Spoilers Ahead!

I have a theory about the J.J. Abrams Star Trek universe. It’s likely wrong, because Abrams seems pretty well content to just do whatever he wants regardless of whether or not it makes any kind of sense (see : The Enterprise at the bottom of an ocean), but it’s a theory I have nonetheless.

The Abrams Trek universe is actually an alternate Mirror Universe.

What follows is a whole bunch evidence that demonstrates, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I spend far too much time thinking about this kind of shit. Some of what follows here isn’t necessarily canon, but it’s the best info we have so I’m going to go with it.

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13043_180464084665_5355595_nIf I was put on the spot and forced to choose, I would have to say that the picture here on the right is my favorite of all the pictures that have been taken of me in the last few years.


My mother took it a few years ago when we were spending a family weekend out at the Tradewinds resort on St. Petersburg Beach. It was one of those “snapped it at just the right time” pictures, as I looked up right as Mom took it. I’m comfortable, relaxed, not posing, and…thin.

Well, about as close to thin as I’ll likely ever be.

I don’t like the pictures that are being taken of me these days. I don’t like them because they are evidence of how far I’ve slid since that picture was taken. They are reminders of the fact that I’ve stopped running, hell that I hardly ever get off my ass to exercise these days. They are evidence that I’ve stopped paying close attention to what I eat, and I’ve gone back to my habit of twos (always ordering two of something, always have seconds, etc…). I don’t like them because they show, indisputably, the 60 pounds or so I’ve put on since it was taken.

I’ve talked at length about all the excuses I have for the weight I put on, my health “problems” being the primary culprit. I put “problems” in quotes because, really, the things that I’ve dealt with have been more annoying than anything else. I haven’t been incapacitated, just…inconvenienced.

I kept things up pretty well through the run of Biloxi Blues last year, but after that I went downhill pretty quickly. I could, of course, pull out other excuses for that. Oh, I dunno…like “major life changing events” maybe? This last year has been a roller coaster of extreme highs and extreme lows in my personal life. Some of that is still going on now, and there are still nights when bad food and alcohol are the only things that seem to bring any comfort. I started smoking again around February of last year as well. Because, you know, if you’re eating like shit, not exercising, and drinking too much? Ya might as well throw cigarettes back on the table while you’re at it, right?

I’ve managed to put the cigarettes back down again by replacing them with an e-cigarette, but beyond that? I’m still pretty much looking at starting over from scratch as far as my diet and exercise are concerned. No, I still haven’t put back on ALL the weight I lost after my strokes back in 2000 (I’m still 109 pounds less than I was back then), but I’ve put enough weight back on that I’m noticing it. A lot. Physically and mentally. I’m not moving around as well, and I’ve got aches and pains I haven’t had in years. Most of my clothes fit poorly, and the ones that fit properly have sizes on the tags that make me cringe.

Oh, and I hate having my picture taken.

So I suppose this is yet another in a long line of “I’m really trying to do something about this” posts. I’ve re-upped my membership at LA Fitness and sometime within in the next few weeks I’d really like to start training to run again. I’m especially motivated to do so because there’s a show coming up next year that I’d really like a shot at being in, but it’s another military role. In my current shape? Not thinking it would be very likely I get cast.

I guess…I dunno? Wish me luck?

A less than stellar ending to this post, I admit.