Are you more of a night or morning person?
These days? Definitely a morning person. Although I honestly think I was always a morning person who simply lived a life that included a social life that was not conducive to being one.
When I was in my teens and early twenties I was definitely a night owl. I would stay up late gaming, going to late-night movies (RHPS cast member because of course), or dancing. I was not much of a “party” person, but that did not prevent me from seeing the ugly side of twenty-four hour diners on many occasions.
When I become a parent that started to change. I was the overnight feeder, so I would still spend a lot of time in the middle of the night online, but the necessities involved in being a father required me to be up earlier in the day. So, eventually, did my Monday-Friday, 9-5 job. But I tried! I spent many years getting only 4-5 hours of sleep because I was up too late with my night owl friends.
I take after my Father now. When he was in town (Coast Guard deployments) he was always up before dawn and making breakfast (regardless of how much he drank the night before). He was raised on a farm and that was just what you did. I started transitioning to that kind of schedule back in 2019, and the pandemic allowed it to really solidify. These days I am usually heading to bed by 7 and up by 5.
Unfortunately because of that whole cancer thing I am still tired all the time.