Daily Writing Prompt – Share a lesson you wish you had learned earlier in life.

Daily writing prompt
Share a lesson you wish you had learned earlier in life.

Oh my lord this is a doozy. I’m fifty years old now. The number of things I wish I had learned earlier in life is way greater than one. Thing is, I’m not sure I could have learned those lessons earlier. I’m a big believer in the fact that you just have to experience certain things and live through them in order to learn from them, so I don’t know that the really important stuff that I know now that I wish I knew then really would have sunk in before I was ready.

If I had to narrow it down to one thing I wish I had learned earlier in life, though, I think it would have to focus around accepting that I’m enough. That I’m a human being who doesn’t need to be better than anyone else to be worthwhile. That it’s ok if what I consider to be a good life doesn’t match up with anyone else’s. That just because someone doesn’t like me or want to be part of my life that doesn’t make me a bad person. That I don’t have to be the most attractive, interesting, successful person in the room to justify being in it. That if someone thinks that I’m boring that’s based on their world view, not mine. That it’s ok to just be me.

Thing is, I’m still learning that lesson.

Daily Writing Prompt – Tell us about the last thing you got excited about

Daily writing prompt
Tell us about the last thing you got excited about.

This one is easy, although I’m sure many folks will see it as being kind of boring.

My wife and I do lots of neat stuff together, but every weekend we have a morning ritual of sitting together in our hot tub for a few hours while the sun rises. We talk, we have breakfast, or we just sit there quietly on our smartphones and read.

I love it. I get excited about it every weekend.

At 50 I’ve come to realize that it’s the little pleasures in life that really bring the most joy. Vacations are amazing. Parties are fun. Going out with friends is a blast. But having the time and space to just BE with my wife for a few hours and appreciate the life we’ve built together? That’s the absolute best.

Daily Writing Prompt – 08.21.2023

Daily writing prompt
Where did your name come from?

I was, apparently, named after a football player.

For all I know, this story is apocryphal. I could, if I wanted to, completely validate or debunk it by actually talking to the one person who is still alive who had a say in my name, but it’s more fun to go with this one.

My Dad was a huge football fan. He played in high school, and told me he had been offered a college scholarship to play in Seattle but changed his mind after visiting the campus and seeing how big the players were at the college level in comparison to the folks he was used to getting hit by.

If I’m being completely honest he likely threw in something about the fact that they were “big and black,” which wasn’t at all the norm in Pullman, Washington where he grew up. My memories of my father and the type of person he was are disjointed because he left us when I was very young and we had periods without contact that lasted years. He died in 1999 when I was 27, and he and I had just really formed a somewhat normal relationship when that happened. His views on race are one of the things that I tend to look back on with rose-tinted glasses and make a lot of excuses for at times because, well, I miss him and want to have positive memories of my Father. But I digress…

So anyway…my Dad was, apparently, a big fan of Mike “Mad Dog” Curtis. Curtis was a linebacker for the Baltimore Colts when they won Super Bowl V in 1971 (the year before I was born). If you search around on the internet you’ll find references to Curtis that range from him being “no-nonsense” to “a mean son-of-a-bitch” and everything in between. He is one of those “old school” Defensive players who made it a regular habit to try and destroy pretty much anyone they came into contact with, most famously in Curtis’ case a fan who rushed on the field in a game against the Miami Dolphins in December of 1971 (less than a year before I was born…you see where this is going??).

Mike “Mad Dog” Curtis was a mean, though-hitting, sadistic football player who my father idolized, so he decided to name me after him. I’m sure, ostensibly, he said he was naming me after his brother, Michael Thomas McGreevy, but the fact is that “Curtis” is not any kind of familial name I’m aware of in either his tree or my Mother’s, so I’m pretty sure he had “Mad Dog” on his mind when he finally had “his boy.”

Turns out he got a sensitive theater kid who cries at really emotional commercials. Sorry about that, pops.

An interesting side note to this story…When Curtis died in 2020 at the age of 77, he lived here in St. Petersburg, Florida. It’s far fetched, but I wonder sometimes if he ever saw my professional name in the papers (Michael C. McGreevy) here locally and pieced together the connection. It’s highly unlikely, but it’s an interesting thing to think that the man who I was named after passed away in the town I grew up in and still live in today.

Daily Writing Prompt: What are your top ten favorite movies?

Daily writing prompt
What are your top ten favorite movies?

Yep, I already missed a day. Oh well.

So this is just off the top of my head and in no particular order.

  1. Jesus Christ Superstar
  2. Memento
  3. Avengers: Infinity War
  4. Avengers: Endgame
  5. Moulin Rouge
  6. Amadaeus
  7. Sharknado
  8. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  9. Tommy
  10. A Clockwork Orange

A significant number of the movies listed above were on cable when I was a child and I ended up watching them a billion times, which probably says a whole heck of a lot about the way my brain works.

Daily Writing Prompt – What do you love about where you live?

Daily writing prompt
What do you love about where you live?

Simply put, I live where people dream of going on vacation.

I’m not trying to say that everything about Florida/The Greater Tampa Bay area is perfect. Far from it. Hell, “Florida Man” jokes exist for a reason, and despite heavy Northern influence on the major metropolitan areas Florida will never let you forget that it is, indeed, part of the Deep South. I mean, there is a HUGE Confederate Flag off of I4 right as you cross into Tampa territory.

But…There’s a lot of stuff about this area that is pretty great.

The weather is pretty great. Yes, it’s hot most of the year. Yes, it’s humid. But the thing is, with the obvious exception being the times when a hurricane is barreling down on us, I’ve never heard the powers that be tell us not to go outside because we could die. Ocean breezes keep things relatively livable, even if you end up a sweaty mess. I used to be enamored with the idea of living places that are cold and grey, because I love the rare days we have that are that way in Florida, but I was disabused of that notion by my wife after visiting Chicago in November a few years ago. While we were driving between cities, she turned to me and said “I want you to look around right now. See how everything is brown and grey and wet? See how everyone is sad and depressed? It’s like this for MONTHS AT A TIME.” When we were driving across the Howard Frankland bridge after arriving home that November, I noted the beautiful sunset and the fact that I could see a school of dolphins playing in Tampa Bay and realized that cold and grey days could get old quickly.

The cultural scene here is pretty great, too. We have a ton of local theaters, artists, musicians, museums, and various other ways to scratch your creative itch. Downtown St. Petersburg and Gulfport are two communities that are filled with eclectic people and businesses, not to mention being LGBTQ+ friendly.

Obviously we have beaches, and one of them (Clearwater Beach) was recently rated as the Best Beach in the South. We don’t have waves to speak of, but our beaches are top notch and many of our beach communities are still pretty low-key and chill if you’re just looking to kick back, have a few drinks, and watch some stunning sunsets.

The food scene here has really taken a turn for the better in the last decade or so, thanks in no small part to the efforts of folks like my friends Greg and Michelle Baker. When I was growing up it seemed like the majority of restaurants around here were either chains, dives, or prohibitively expensive. Now we’ve got a wide range of eateries cropping up all over the place, from food trucks to Michelin star restaurants.

I suppose it goes without saying that if you’re into theme parks or cruises you’ve got your pick of the lot here in Florida, and from where I am in West Central Florida we’re reasonable driving distance to all of them. We also have St. Augustine, which is the oldest continually-occupied settlement of European and African-American origin in North America and just a really cool place to visit.

But ultimately? For me? Florida is home. We’re a state made up of transients, and when I was growing up very few people who I knew were actually born here. I wasn’t myself, but I’ve lived here for about 48 years. I live two miles or so from the house I grew up in. I can’t go anywhere in St. Petersburg without having some kind of memory pop into my head. This is where I have my roots, and despite all the reasons to want to live somewhere else I’ll never not love St. Petersburg, Florida. There was a time when I wanted nothing more than to live somewhere else, but the older I’ve gotten the more I’ve realized that it is a pretty amazing place to live.

Daily Writing Prompt – What positive emotions do you feel most often?

Daily writing prompt
What positive emotion do you feel most often?

Yes, it’s a new experiment. I’m trying (again) to get back in the habit of writing more often thanks to the fact that I’m reading Atomic Habits by James Clear. I figured I would use the daily writing prompts from WordPress to help out with that.

Ok, so. The positive emotion that I feel most often. That’s a rough one to answer, because the last few years have been dominated so heavily by negative emotions. I’m also back on Wellbutrin right now, and have been for a few months, so my emotional state is for the most part pretty neutral/ambivalent.

I literally just had to search for “positive emotions” to get a list of them to help find the one I’d select, but it worked.


Despite all the chaos of our lives, and all the challenges we’ve faced together, I spend a good deal of time feeling very content. In many, many ways I feel we have built a very satisfying life together. It’s not thrilling and filled with adventure, but it’s nice. It’s comfortable. We have good friends, a lovely home, and the ability to enjoy our time together. We have regular “rituals” that we enjoy. We don’t want for the necessities. We can afford to take vacations when the opportunity arises or make the occasional indulgent purchase without worrying about how we’re going to pay for it. We are planning for retirement and confident we’ll be able to when the time is right. It’s a good life, and I’m happy it’s ours.