Symmetry/Full Circle Redux

I wrote a few months ago about running into Kerry Glamsch during a performance of Woman In Mind.

Yesterday I got news that I’ve been cast as Harold in Gorey Stories, but the “my acting career seems to be coming full circle” doesn’t end there. What I wasn’t aware of until Saturday was that one of the pieces in Gorey Stories is a piece called Charlotte Sophia. Charlotte Sophia is one of the bits that Kerry adapted for our ninth grade production. In that piece I played the part of the drunk who gets “the horrors.”

In Gorey Stories Harold is the narrator of that story. That is until about half way through. At that point he switches up and becomes…

The drunk who gets “the horrors.”

[Shill] – The March of the Kitefliers

You know, I haven’t written about this show yet mainly because I haven’t really been able to get my head around what I wanted to say.

As I always find myself doing in such situations, I shall just let myself do this in a kind of stream-of-conscience manner. I will, however, do so behind a cut that really has all the important information in it.

The March of the Kitefliers opens on March 29th. You should go see it, because if you don’t someone is going to fling poo at you, and it may very well be me. More importantly, you should go see it opening weekend. My family and I will be there on Friday night (the 30th), so if you wanna go see it with us we can make a night of it.

All The Great Theater – Locally!

So last weekend, during my slightly crappy vacation (that’s another post), I had the pleasure of seeing the latest offering from Jobsite, All The Great Books (Abridged)

It was truly one of the highlights of an otherwise lackluster (and pain ridden week).

Seriously.  The show runs for one more weekend, and I realize that I frequently say that the shows from Jobsite are must-see shows, but that’s because they ARE.  There is really some quality stuff going on right under your noses here, folks, and you’re really doing yourself a disservice if you don’t at least check them out once. 

This show would be a great first opportunity to do so.

Don’t see yourself as the theater type?  Fine.  Don’t think of this as theater.  Think of it as 2 hours of comedy, with a healthy amount of improvisation thrown in the mix (I know for a fact that the performance I saw had a few “additions” that were unscripted, could never have been planned, and had us almost falling out of our seats from laughing so hard).  David, Jason and Shawn are as tight as any three comedians can be – I mean, hell…they’ve been doing these shows for six years now.  It’s the kind of timing and comfort you see from the veteran cast members of Whoose Line Is It, Anyway? 

The script itself is inspired – The crew behind the production promote it to a whole new level of hilarity.  I have seen every show the “Bad Boys of Abridgement” have put on, and every time I’ve laughed my ass off – even when seeing the same show multiple times.

Do yourself a favor this weekend.  Get some dinner at the Tampa Bay Brewing Company, then catch All The Great Books (Abridged).  You won’t be sorry (ok…you will if a guy named Kevin G is your waiter at TBBC…but that’s another post as well). 

Free is good!

Ok, gang…I’m gonna post a link to this one more time. I’ve rallied a lot about getting out to support local theater in Tampa, and I realize that to some of you the cost may be prohibitive. I would argue that the shows at Jobsite, for what you get, are an incredible deal but that’s neither here nor there. You now have a chance to get FREE tickets to see their latest show, and it’s one that is almost certain to sell out after opening weekend is done. The “Abridged” shows are always crowd pleasers.

All you gotta do is click the link and leave a comment with your favorite moment from an Abridged show. Never seen one? Just comment on what you think the greatest novel of all time is and why.

My family and I will be seeing the show on the 12th (Friday), and if you win the tickets you can go see the show that night as well.

Seriously. Free. Freeeeeeee. Just click and comment.

What more do you people need????

Good times….

Nothing say “Today is gonna be AWESOME” like waking up to find dried cat puke on your office chair first thing in the morning. No idea how long it actually sat there, but it was old enough that I had to get out the 409 and scrub to get it all off.

Bill is still improving. I didn’t hear anything from Jody about him yesterday, but Alex talked to her and she gave him the whole lowdown. She told him about how it was related to his diabetes and why it was so important that he take care of himself in that regard. I can only assume that means he’s doing well enough that she’s not afraid Alex is going to freak out over him dying and it being diabetes related. Speaking of diabetes, Canadian scientists have cured it in mice. Like, overnight even.

In the “WTF??” department, Scott Kurtz of PVP online started a storyline today that smacks a bit too much like Ctrl+Alt+Del‘s Winter-Een-Mas. Right down to wearing a controller as decoration. I’m hoping this is some kind of self-referential dig, especially considering that the characters in PVP tend to break the fourth wall often in that regard. If not…I dunno. I guess I’ll just be really disappointed. Kurtz gets a lot of shit from the internet community, but he’s always seemed like he was a genuinely good guy to me. I’d hate to think he was starting to show some of the “big man in comics” arrogance his detractors accuse him of, and ripping off ideas from other comics would definitely fall into that category.

Yesterday was a big ball of suck at work, but in retrospect it was surprisingly entertaining. Frustrating as hell, sure, but it made the first half of the day fly by. Got off a little early so I could swing by Omaha Steaks and cash in the $100 gift certificate my Mom gave us for Christmas. Picked up a pretty standard package that included some steaks, burgers, hot dogs, pork chops, chicken breasts, and potatoes au gratin, then added on a bag of Tortilla Crusted Tilapia. We got one of those the last time Mom gave us a gift certificate, and they were damned tasty. All in all, pretty good stuff from that place, but considering the distance I have to go to get there and the fact that it’s “gourmet” prices it’s not some place I’d start shopping regularly.

But $100 of free meats is $100 of free meats, ya know?

Locally, it’s time once again for me to put on my shilling hat. Jobsite is getting ready to open All The Great Books (Abridged). Yep, the “Bad Boys” of abridgment are back again, having tackled Shakespeare, The Bible, and American History they are now moving on to books. Amazingly enough, this might actually mean they’ve taken some time to read one or two. Who’d have thought it, huh? They must have found some way to completely eliminate sleep from their lives. In any case, I have yet to leave an “Abridged” without being completely sore from laughing so hard, and I’m looking forward to seeing what they come up with for this one. These guys give a whole new twist to the Abridged plays, making each one their own. Even if you’ve seen this play before, the Jobsite crew promises to give you a truly unique (and, most certainly, a much funnier) experience.

Get yer asses out there and buy tickets before the monkeys start flinging poo, damnit!

All the salty Margaritas in Los Angeles, and I'm gonna drink 'em up

I find myself uncharacteristcally depressed today.

I suppose it doesn’t help that I had a horrible dream last night about my mother getting and dying from cancer. It was incredibly detailed and graphic, and it was long. This wasn’t one of those five minutes of ugly dreams – it pretty much lasted all night, and it had me very disoriented when I woke up this morning. So much so that I thought K.’s alarm clock going off was mine, and that I had to get up to go to work. I couldn’t figure out why the alarm clock wouldn’t shut off though, despite my repeatedly hitting the buttons. By the time I figured it out I was awake, and while I went back to sleep after the residue of the dream and the general mind haze from the incorrect assumption that it was a work day made it nearly impossible for me to fall fully asleep again.

The net result of all this is that I’m just…blah today. The things that normally would slide off my back are kind of persisting, and I’m just down. I really wanted to just relax today and play some Warcraft, but even that is wearing a little thin. One of the guilds we are allies with seems to be having some major turmoil recently, and our raids with them have suffered as a result. We’ve been trying to work a little harder on our own progression in guild, but can’t seem to get more than seven people on at a time to work on a dungeon called Upper Blackrock Spire. As a result, we can only get the first half of it done. I’m proud of that accomplishment, but I know we could finish it if we could all just find a time that worked for us. Some other guild posted today on our server forums about a Friday night Molten Core alliance, but I worry that if we express an interest in that we’ll alienate the folks who we’ve been working with outside of our guild. In a similar vein, I started using a new method of loot distribution in guild last night, and while I believe that it’s a solid method it’s going to take a while to get used to it and frustration from the players as we experiment is obvious.

I really want to go see Superman Returns in the worst way. It’s silly for that to be a source of depression for me, but there it is. I’m actually down because I haven’t seen a stupid movie.

My nephew wants to go into the Army. Let me correct that – he wants to go into the Air Force, but they are dicking him around. He wants it so badly that he’s lost like 70 pounds to do so. He’s gotten into amazing shape, but for some reason they still want him smaller. They want his BMI to be less than 20%. This is a man who is built very much like me, and who currently weighs 213 pounds. He’s gotten to the point where he’s stopped lifting weights because he kept gaining weight by building muscle. The Air Force had told him he was good to go, and that he was going to take his physical on Thursday. Wednesday they told him that he was still too big, and to talk to them on Saturday.

The Army, of course, is ready to take him right now just the way he is. They could have him shipped off to boot camp on August 1st.

Not surprisingly, this is causing my sister no end of distress. In the Air Force it wasn’t looking very likely that he would end up being in the middle of the war in Iraq, or that if he was he’d be in a relatively safe location. The Army, though? Not so much. From everything I have heard (primarly from current or former enlisted folks), the Army is infamous for making all kinds of promises about what your job will be and then changing it the day you graduate from boot camp. Even if he ends up being some kind of mechanic and not a grunt he’ll likely end up in some kind of hot spot.

My sister has already buried one of her children. I don’t think she could deal with doing it again.

My personal feelings on the subject should be pretty obvious, but I also believe that he has to do what he feels is right. For some reason, the military is something he feels strongly about. He doesn’t like school, and he (like most people raised around here) is a young person that just “has to get out of here.” I had the same mindset, but to get out I did college and then (when that failed miserably) went on the road with the Renaissance Festival.

The big difference between my choices and his is that when I realized that Florida wasn’t as bad as I made it out to be I could just up and come home. He’s going to be stuck with his choice for at least six years.

Krystalle and Bill both suggested that he look into the Navy, and I’ve passed that along to my sister. I hope he does it.

In interesting and positive news, I got a call from maladr1n last night. There’s a role for a small boy in The Pillowman, and he asked if I thought Alex would be interested. It’s not a speaking part, and it wouldn’t require a lot of time commitment from us to make it happen. Ideally, I’d be able to play the role of the boys father as well (another small, non-speaking part). He could work around my class schedule so I’d only have to miss the three Thursday nights that were performance nights.

Of course, that’s 3 weeks in a row of missing a class. Thing is, it’s a lab class. Who knows if we’ll even actually be meeting those nights?

I guess I need to write to the professor and get some kind of idea as to whether or not it would be a possibility.

Even if it’s not feasible for me to play that Father, I’d like to see Alex be able to get the role. He’s asked me several times when he was going to get to do a Jobsite show, and I think it would be a great experience for him. Before I ask him, though, I need to clear it with his Mother.

Oh well…not much else going on in my head at the moment, and not really like this is the best post I’ve made anyway. Take care out there, folks.

Artistic satisfaction is…

Getting something like this in your mail box :

We were making references all day and incorporating it into our jobs.zayna

From things like that, to people seeing me and saying “Oh Boy,” and everything in between – It’s knowing that you left a memorable impression on your audience that makes this whole art thing worthwhile.

(and on a health note – feeling somewhat better, and logged in to work…not 100% by a long shot, but not doubled over either)


“The cast of Jobsite regulars is adept at the rambunctious slapstick favored by director David Jenkins. Stevenson and Heimstead do a credible Lucy and Ethel routine, with Stevenson as the tale-spinning fireplug and Heimstead managing to sell a breathy screwball-comedy voice. Smith and McGreevy mug it up as their slightly lug-headed husbands, who are always one step behind. In his ridiculous outfits and facial hair, Holcom is pure silliness – comic relief from the comedy.” – Amanda Henry, The Tampa Tribune

Only 8 performances remain! 3 of 4 performances opening weekend sold out! Support live theater!


Whaaat? I made no promises to stop shilling this thing once it opened. Besides, if I can’t actively promote the arts in my blog what good is it? Anyway, two weekends left my friends. I think it’s a great show, and the audience has been totally digging it. But don’t listen to me OR the critics! Listen to your fellow bloggers!

“I think Jobsite put on a stellar performance, as usual. We are never disappointed in the shows, and can’t wait for Grimm, or for next season!” – draxzaster

“Awesome job…” – analmuch

“Incidentally, locals – hie thee to TBPAC and give it a look; much fun in the I Love Lucy vein” – etcet

“McGreevy’s goatee is brilliant in its long-anticipated Jobsite debut.” – xany_hellion

These are your peers, folks! Your social group! You wanna fit in and be cool like them, right? Well then go see this show!

Don’t make us get out the poo-flinging monkeys.

I’m just sayin’.

Tickets available online or by calling 813-229-STAR