Sometimes I really hate my brain


It is almost 6:00 AM on a Saturday morning. I should be sleeping. I wanted to be sleeping. Instead, I had a nightmare that got me out of bed about 30 minutes ago. One of those nightmares you don’t even want to tell the details of because they are horrible and embarrassing. I’m awake now, and sitting here doing that I’m almost always doing at this time on a weekday. Drinking coffee, eating my breakfast of two frozen waffles with peanut butter in between them, and drinking coffee.

If I didn’t have an insanely long (and mostly self-imposed) to-do list for the weekend I’d be even more upset about that.

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Hello my friends we meet again

Hey all!

I’ve been having yet another online identity crisis of late. I’ve been delving a lot into the whole social networking thing, and as a result of that my online life and my real life are becoming horribly entwined – particularly in regards to my job. That being the case, I’ve felt a bit stifled at times recently. There have been things I wanted to say and could not, or perhaps it’s better to say that I could but I didn’t feel comfortable with it.

Sometimes you just wanna say fuck, ya know?

That being said I’m probably going to be posting here more under friends tags. Nothing particularly drama-laden. I just want to be able to write about stupid shit occasionally and not worry about whether or not my co-workers are going to get weird over it.

Due to this I’m paring down the friends list. This really needs to be a “friends” list. People I know and trust. If you don’t fall into that category my apologies, but I’m going to be cutting you from my list. If for some reason I cut you and you think you fall into that “real friends” realm please let me know.