Actor, Director, Author and Monkey Bread enthusiast Ned Snell made a statement today that his dogs were “…clean” during a press conference from his home in Tampa, Florida.
For years now rumors have been flying over the fact that Snell, 47, frequently allowed his dogs to get downright smelly. An anonymous associate of his told this report that “It was horrible.” He then went on to say ” They were so unclean. There isn’t enough hand sanitizer in the world to get past that kind of filth. I scrubbed, and I scrubbed, and I scrubbed but it never felt like it was enough.” The source then collapsed into a fetal ball and started sobbing.
Although this particular health hazard has been averted there are still concerns that Snell has attempted to use child labor in the cleaning of the dogs. When asked if three-year old children had been forced into helping Snell said they were “no help at all” and abrubtly ended the press conference.
To my regular readers – Please excuse this moment of silliness. Ned gave me an opening I couldn’t pass up.