Different Strokes For Different Folks

Whatchoo Talkin' Bout Willis?We here at ShrinkGeek are not scientists.  We are not doctors.  The closest we come to being official “health experts” would be our resident personal trainer, Rob, and he is the first person who will point out he is not a dietician.  Much of the advice that we give here is based strictly on our own personal experience and the struggles we have had dealing with our own health and fitness issues.  Whether you agree with us or not I can promise that you’ll never see us make a claim or give advice that is in any way based on anything but what we truly believe is the healthiest option available.

Those humble statements aside, it’s really nice to have folks with fancy letters behind their names confirm one of your core beliefs.

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Video Games Don’t Make You Fat. Food Does.

THIS is why you're fat

America is, undeniably, getting larger around the waist line.  As a matter of fact obesity has become such a problem here that back in July of last year Senators Chris Dodd, Tom Harkin, and Jeff Bingaman introduced the Federal Obesity Prevention Act of 2008.  This bill was in response to what Dodd called “a medical emergency of hurricane-like proportions” in our country, and would have established a government strategy for preventing and reducing obesity.  This strategy would have included short- and long-term goals for childhood and adult obesity rates.

Which, in Orwellian terms, meant that the United States Government may have taken a direct interest in America’s waist line if this Bill had passed (it was referred to committee back in September of 2008 and has not been brought back up in the current session).

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