How I spent my Dragon*Con

Day one – Got in, took a nap.  Got a phone call about 4 PM from work.  Worked until 10 PM.

Day two – Woke up at 7:30 AM.  Got breakfast.  Back to the hotel room and started working by 8:30.  Took a lunch break around 2.  Various smoke breaks throughout.  It’s now 9:15 PM.  I just finished working, I hope, for the weekend.  At this point, however, it’s very likely that I’m going to find something to eat and go to bed for the night.  I’m fucking fried.

Knew it was a possibility, so I’m not angry about it or anything like that.  Just…meh.

The Weird Turn Pro

Yep.  It’s official.  The following conversation is what happens when Generation X’ers enter the corporate world.

Rafe: we can’t stop here. this is decaf country.
Michael: as your attorney I reccomend you get some hazelnut vanilla
Rafe: fuck that shit. the only nuts in my coffee are almonds.