Players over Pixels, huh?

You know, I’ve been trashed out by people I’ve met in video games before. It happens. Despite the closeness one can feel in a video game there is something lost when you haven’t really met someone in person, and as such the internet fuckwad theory is always threatening to rear its ugly head. I’ve made a lot of friends playing MMORPG’s – and I’ve pissed a lot of people off too. That happens pretty frequently when you’re wearing the bullseye on your forehead.


When it’s someone you’ve met in person? Someone who, in fact, you met and liked in person and invited to come play with you in the game? Someone who, while maybe not a person you’d consider to be among your nearest and dearest, you easily would have called friend?

It hurts.

The intention was to wound, and it was successful. Good job. Several people were hurt, more than that were really angry, and I suspect at least one person was brought to tears.

Ultimately over differences in belief on how pixels in a video game are distributed.

Amazingly enough, right after this happened someone who IS a friend wrote some really nice things about me. Took away a bit of the sting for sure.


I fail to understand why it’s so hard for some people to just say “You know what? This really isn’t my scene. You guys are great, but I think I want something different out of the game.” Is it really that hard? Amazingly enough, everyone who actually did that remained friendly with us….and hey, we even play the game with them on occasion. Go figure.


Nothing quite as silly as realizing you’ve lost sleep two nights in a row over what happened in a video game.

Or that, despite that, you aren’t likely to stop playing any time soon.

Hey donwaughesq! You win!

WoW Patch 1.12.1 was released today, and that patch is supposed to include the mount changes. Here’s a copy of a community moderator post explaining the changes (I’m bolding the parts that are particularly relevant to you).

Hi everyone,

Because I keep seeing these questions pop-up, and because some of my previous answers have been lost to the forum monsters I’m going to post the info I currently have regarding the mount changes. This is how the mount changes work as I understand it, they may change before 1.12.1 goes live.

After 1.12.1 goes live there will only be one riding skill that will work with all mounts. The skill currently has 2 ranks Apprentice(75) and Journeyman(150).
# Apprentice(75) skill will be required for all superior(blue) level 40 mounts, the Rank 11 PVP mounts and the superior(blue) AQ40 mounts.

# Journeyman(150) skill will be required for all epic(purple) level 60 mounts, the AV faction reward mounts and the epic dropped mounts (Deathcharger, Raptor etc.).

# Warlocks and Paladins who complete their mount quests will be given Apprentice(75) and
# Journeyman(150) upon completion of the quests.

# All mounts will be bind on pickup and have a level requirement.

# Purchasing a non-racial mount will require exalted reputation with that faction.

When the patch goes live the following changes will take place:
# Characters who have a mount in their inventory(backpack or bank) will be granted the skill level necessary to use it.
Apprentice Riding Skill requires level 40 Journeyman Riding Skill requires level 60

# Players with the Rank 11 PVP mounts will be granted Journeyman(150) skill.

# Players with Riding skill but no mount will be granted Apprentice(75) skill.

# Paladins and Warlocks who have already completed their level 40 and level 60 mount quests will be granted Apprentice(75) and Journeyman(150) respectively.

# Mounts in the mail or on the auction house at the time 1.12.1 goes live will not grant skill to anyone, so I would suggest making sure you have mounts in your inventory or the bank.

What this DOESN’T tell you is what the new mount cost is.

Level 40 mounts are going to be 10g.

So replacing your lost Kodo isn’t going to suck so badly after all.

They said it couldn't be done…

Shortly after we started playing this game, netgoth and I started talking about getting cross racial mounts. Neither of our mains were Forsaken, but we both thought their mounts were the coolest in the game. We did some research, and found out that in order to learn the riding skill you had to have Exalted status with the race of your choice. One of our friends at the time who had been playing since Beta informed us that this was an impossible goal, and proceeded to scoff at our dreams of having them. Well, at the time he was right. There really wasn’t a way to grind your faction to Exalted.

But the dream never died.

Then Blizzard changed the rules of the game. The cloth reputation quests were implemented, and it became possible to get another racial mount. Sure, it was a seemingly endless grind of runecloth. But it WAS possible. With a lot of hard work, time, and patience.

All of which I have.

So to our friend who said that I’d never have an undead mount, I have but one thing to say….

Yippie Kai Yay Mother…