General Mills announces plans to reduce sugar levels in many popular cereals


I have some news for you that may just come as a bit of a shocker, so you may want to brace yourself before reading this.

Many of the breakfast cereals marketed to children have a lot of sugar in them.

I know, I know.  It’s hard to believe, right? I mean, who would have thought that food containing marshmallows or designed to look and taste like chocolate chip cookies might have high amounts of sugar? Besides, all the commercials I watched about breakfast cereal when I was growing up told me that cereal could be part of a balanced breakfast. That means it has to be good for you! Never mind the fact that those statements were made over a scene that included a big glass of orange juice, some toast, and a side of fruit as well.

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Five breakfast options for 100 calories or less

Powdered Toast Man!Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

When it comes to healthy eating battle cries this has to be one of the most common ones. However, despite the scientific evidence proving the statement above to be true quite there are a great deal of people who choose to skip off on breakfast before starting their day. For some folks it is simply because the allure of sleeping an extra 30 minutes is too great to pass up. If you’re trying to lose weight you may skip off on breakfast because you’re not sure of the healthy, low-calorie options that are out there. Many of the popular breakfast options that we’re familiar with such as pancakes, doughnuts, fried eggs, and biscuits with sausage gravy really don’t fall into the “light” category.

Not every breakfast has to be a big bowl of Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs. If you’re looking for a healthier way to start your day I have five options that may just tickle your fancy.

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Tips For A Healthier Breakfast

The BlobBreakfast.  It’s the most important meal of the day.  That’s what they tell us anyway.  I’m not entirely sure who “they” are, really, but I know that from a very early age it seems as though every adult in your life was telling you how important it was that you get in your bowl of Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs before heading off to school in the morning.  Heck, they even put it into our cartoons.  If you’re a flannel wearing member of Generation X like me you may recall Timer, a shape changing yellow guy who sang to us about breakfast being so important that we might want to consider things like leftover chicken legs if we were out of eggs.

So yeah.  Breakfast is important.  We all know this.  Thing is, somewhere along the line a lot of us forget it.  The desire to get an extra twenty minutes of sleep in the morning often results in either no breakfast or hitting up your favorite doughnut chain for something that, while delicious, is loaded with calories and very little nutrition.  If you’re trying to improve your health, though, kick starting your day with a nutritious breakfast is an important step on the path of doing so.   Research has shown that people who eat breakfast are “significantly less likely to be obese and diabetic than those who don’t.”

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