Dieting on a Budget : 100 Calorie M&M Packs

Pre-Packaged 100 Calorie PacksHealthy food is expensive.  There’s just no two ways about it.  Fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and low-calorie treats are all generally a lot more expensive than a box of Patio Burritos.  Many of the lower income members of society who struggle with their weight simply cannot afford to eat well (and it goes without saying that gym memberships, diet supplements, and pre-packaged meal programs are simply out of the question).  Even those of us who aren’t necessarily struggling to pay the bills have to deal with the fact that our money just isn’t buying as much as it used to, and with all the economic uncertainty that is out there today it just makes sense to save wherever you can.

With that in mind were here at ShrinkGeek thought we’d occasionally share some of the ways we have found to eat better and save a few pennies in the process.  Our subject for today is the 100 Calorie M&M Snack Packs.

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User Queries : Dealing With Loose Skin

Question Mark

One of the things I am having to deal with already in my weight loss effort is loose skin on my inner thighs, lower abdomen, and pelvic regions. I have looked around on Google and gotten a LOT of conflicting information that focused mainly around BMI and lean tissue vs body fat content.  I am not sure what to trust short of going to a dermatologist or Cosmetic Surgeon for a consultation and asking, “What do I do?”

– Anonymous Reader

Well, anonymous, let me state right off the bat here that if you want a definitive answer to this question you SHOULD go see a medical professional for a consultation.  I’m not a doctor, nor is anyone here at ShrinkGeek, and all of what I’m about to offer is simply a healthy mix of some internet research peppered with my personal opinion.  I don’t have the fancy letters after my name to prove that anything you’re about to read is true, nor do I have the malpractice insurance behind me if it turns out I’m completely wrong.

Now that I’ve gotten all those messy disclaimer things out of the way to cover my posterior let me state that I have, indeed, done a bit of research into this subject.  I, too, have wrestled with the loose skin question and have often said that I may end up needing to have surgery to remove it as well.  I have even gone so far as to have consulted a plastic surgeon about my predicament, and as such I’m happy to pass on what I have learned to you.

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BBC Study Shows American Health Continues To Decline

Picard FacepalmI recently had the chance to catch Wall-E for the first time with Krystalle thanks to the magic of Netflix-On-Demand through the XBox 360.  It was an absolutely delightful film, but I walked away from it slighly troubled by one aspect of the film – The state of humanity thanks to technology.  I don’t want to give away too much of the plot, but let’s just say that the advances in technology as depicted in the movie are not quite so beneficial to the overall health of mankind.  Wall-E was a very clear warning sign about the dangers of living a pleasure-based disposable lifestyle.

Unfortunately it appears in some ways as though the predictions made in the movie have the potential for coming true.

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Gaining Momentum

Weight Watchers MomentumGive me the opportunity to do so and I will sing the praises of Weight Watchers to anyone who cares to listen.  I’m not going to rehash my entire Weight Watchers story here, but I firmly believe that the program saved my life in a very literal way.

Weight Watchers has gone through several changes since I started the program.  Heck, there have been a lot of changes since I became aware of the program back when I was a kid (you know, back when if you were following Weight Watchers you had to eat liver every week).  While they haven’t done anything quite that extreme with the latest iteration, they’ve made a few changes that, in my opinion, have really added value to the diet and made it even easier to live with on a day-to-day basis.

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Using Twitter to Track Your Weight

Fail Whale!When I originally started my life of dieting twenty or so years ago the tools I had to help me do so were pretty much limited to a paper journal and a scale.

My how things have changed.

The modern dieter has a plethora of toys, gadgets, and gizmos available to aid in the weight loss process.  There are paid sites like eDiets and Weight Watchers eTools, calorie counting applications you can download for your iPhone or Blackberry, pedometers and heart rate monitors, digital scales, electronic body fat measuring devices….The list goes on and on.

Developer Mark Rickert has decided to add one more tool to the arsenal by creating an application that utilizes everyone’s favorite new social networking service, Twitter, to track your weight online.

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Weight Tracking Summary

Your current weight | 283.0 lbs
Weight change since your last recorded weight | -2.6 lbs
Total weight change to date | -136.2 lbs

Despite the Super Bowl party on Sunday and going to lunch at my Mom’s restaurant on Tuesday, managed to drop another significant amount of the cruise weight off. Hooray, me! I attribute this to the fact that even in those situations I was relatively good, and I’ve still been exercising every day (only day I’ve missed since getting back was the day of the Super Bowl party). Have done DDR the last two nights, as it’s a bit too chilly to walk in shorts and I don’t have any sweat pants. Will have to watch the alcohol consumption this weekend between Karaoke and the plays, but I think even then I’ll be ok.

It feels good to be on track again.

419.2 / 283 / 225

I can do this.

On "dieting", and berating those who do so

One of the things that has always stunned me is how nasty people who are overweight can be to those who they perceive to be thinner than themselves. I’ve been an active Weight Watchers member for just over five years now, and I’ve seen it a lot. The person who, frankly, looks like they might actually benefit from gaining a few pounds coming into the meeting and getting “looks” from the more obviously overweight ones. It’s like, somehow, there’s the measuring stick that people expect you to hold yourself up to before you have the right to claim that you are “fat.”

I call bullshit.