Mixed messages

The Bad idea was Rafe's. The bad photoshop job is mine.

Long time readers of the site have probably picked up on the fact that Rafe and I have, at times, some very different views on what the “best” way to exercise is. As a general rule, Rafe is a big proponent of short, intense workouts designed to get the maximum benefit in the least amount of time. I, on the other hand, generally prefer the “slow and steady wins the race” approach. Instead of focusing on constantly trying to push my boundaries I find it’s more important to consistently get activity in at a level that is comfortable for me. Rafe has frequently characterized these mixed messages as our “good cop/bad cop” dichotomy. Rafe is the “bad cop” who will push you to levels that make you want to puke, while I’m the “good cop” that encourages you to be gentle with yourself. Both of us are trying to get the same thing out of you, but we do it in two radically different ways.

So who is right?

Well it turns out…we both are.

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