[Diet] Weight Loss Summary

Your current weight : 281.6 lb 
Weight change since your last recorded weight | +2.6 lb 
Total weight change to date | -137.6 lb 

I haven’t been really shocked about a weight gain in a long time, but this one took me off guard.  Especially the fact that it’s so big.  I was really good last week.  I journaled everything that went into my mouth, I got in my exercise, took my multivitamins, drank my water.  You name it.  Ok, two things come to mind.  I’ve upped the length of my workouts recently, and I walked four miles with my sister on Tuesday night. 

So yes, this could be water retention and muscle gain…but damn it.

I think I need to switch my goals.  The 52 pounds in 52 weeks goal is, I believe, too long term for me…and now that I’m having a hard time even staying close to that goal I’m getting discouraged again.  So maybe I’ll set mini-goals for every week, focused around things OTHER than actual weight loss. 

I need to get a damn measuring tape.  Desperately.  I know I’m smaller because my clothes are fitting better, and if I had some numbers to back that up it would be easier to deal with the gain.

So yeah.  Not so happy on the diet front today.

Oh, and for the record?  Healthy sounding wraps can still have a lot of points.

Fortunately I’ve hardly eaten anything today!

[Weight] – Weight Tracking Summary

Your current weight | 284 lb
Weight change since your last recorded weight | -2.2 lb
Total weight change to date | -135.2 lb

2007 Goal | 52 pounds in 52 weeks
Week 1 Goal | -1 lb
Week 1 Total | -2.2 lb

So…as I hinted last week, I’ve set myself a goal for 2007. A goal I consider not only to be realistic, but fairly easy to achieve. I want to lose 52 pounds this year. One pound a week. Some weeks, obviously, I’ll lose more…some weeks less…but by the end of the year I want to be down 52 pounds from where I was at the beginning of it. I’m tired of this crap. Tried on some size 40 jeans yesterday, and they didn’t come anywhere near fitting me. I was easily wearing size 40 when I was at my lowest point, and when I meet my goal this year I will be exactly back at that point again (232 pounds is the lowest weight I’ve hit on program – just 7 pounds away from my personal weight loss goal of 225 pounds).

This week was a good week. I followed program exactly. Never went over on my points, journaled everything, got exercise in – the works. I started working out with Yourself Fitness again as well (and am very disappointed in how much I’ve slid from where I was with her just six months ago).

All week long I’ve kept repeating, in my head – “52 pounds in 52 weeks.” It seemed to help. This little catch phrase/goal may be just what I needed.

I’m not posting any pictures yet. Frankly, at this point, I’m embarrassed to do so. I know I don’t look as good, physically, as I did the last time I posted them. Not going to do that to my ego as of this point.

Weight Tracking Summary

Last Week

Your current weight | 276 lbs
Weight change since your last recorded weight | -1.6 lbs
Total weight change to date | -143.2 lbs


This week

Your current weight | 278.8 lbs
Weight change since your last recorded weight | +2.8 lbs
Total weight change to date | -140.4 lbs


The in-office training I did this week totally hosed me. Ok, let me correct that. I totally hosed myself by exhibiting no self-control in light of free food and I didn’t get any exercise the two days I was there because I was so totally wiped out by the time I got home I was lucky to stay awake (and didn’t, one night).

I am at least trying to take some level of comfort in the fact that I continue to maintain the same weight I have had for the least few years, but DAMN.

Back to it again.

No Whoa

Just thought I’d post and update to this.

I got a post card in the mail today. I haven’t read it myself, but from what K. told me the gist is essentially “thanks, but no thanks.” I can’t say I’m that surprised. The woman never got back with me after I called her with the information she requested, nor did she respond to multiple messages from my group leader. Frankly, I think that was pretty shitty of her. I’m not saying she should have gone out of her way to keep me in the loop, but a simple acknowledgement of the fact that she had everything she needed from me and had put my name in the hat would have been nice.

I’m trying very hard not to be upset about this.

It isn’t working very well.

It’s not that winning this contest would have been the end all, be all of my existence. If I really wanted to fly up to New York for a weekend I could do so on my own dime, and would probably have a lot more fun hanging out with my friends over the Duchess of York. And yeah, a 5K clothing spree would have been nice – but they likely would have gotten me a lot of clothes that I wouldn’t wear 9/10th’s of the time (as I highly doubt they would have let me go t-shirt shopping).

No, I’m not bummed over the fact that I didn’t win the stuff. I wanted to win for other reasons.

Let me be frank, here. Most of you didn’t know me when I was at my highest weight, and many of you who did have expressed having a hard time picturing me that big these days. Hell, I don’t remember it all that well. In fact, I have such a hard time remembering it that I’m starting to feel like my current weight is as inhibiting to me as my previous top end of roughly 420 pounds was.

In short, I’ve been feeling like I’m the fat guy again. I’ve started noticing it more keenly when I take up more space than the person next to me, or when my clothing looks wrong on me. When I see a gain on the scale, it’s damned near devastating. I’m having a hard time shaking off the “little gains” and keeping them from turning into bigger ones (evidenced by the fact that in the last month I’ve gained five pounds). Exercise? Something else I haven’t really done in a month. I started walking again this week, but the whole Yourself! Fitness thing seems to be completely trashed. I just can’t get the motivation together to turn it on.

It would have been nice to have some kind of external validation of what I’ve done. Something outside of what has become “normal” for me. I get a lot of support for what I’ve done, and continue to do, but…Shit…It’s just so hard to keep the level of dedication that is required for me to actually lose weight. I’ve done a fairly good job of staying in the same area, but I have a lot left to lose – and I need to do it. I need to, at least, get back down under 250. My self-esteem has taken a real fucking nose dive over the fact that I can’t seem to get off my ass enough to beat that number down again.

So yeah…it would have been nice to win. To have what I’ve done put under a national spotlight. To get some acknowledgement of what I’ve overcome.

Instead, I’m sitting her feeling like the response I got was “Sorry, but you’re still too fat.”

And I hate that.


[Diet] Weight Tracking Summary

Your current weight | 279.8 lbs
Weight change since your last recorded weight | +2.6 lbs
Total weight change to date | -139.4 lbs

I was up .6 pounds last week, so that put my total gain for two really horrid weekends (eating wise) at 3.2 pounds. That’s…not so bad. I’m more worried about the fact that I haven’t really exercised in a few weeks than anything else, to be honest. Really need to get back into that again.

Would write more, but have to get ready for class.


So a few months ago I entered a Weight Watchers success story contest. The winners get a trip for two to New York to meet Sarah Ferguson and get something like a $5000 makeover plus a profile in Weight Watchers magazine. I don’t remember the exact details, and frankly I pretty much wrote it off.

I just got a phone call from the southern regional Weight Watchers coordinator. They are trying to verify when I started program so they can, as she put it, “submit me as a winner.”

I don’t know if this means I’m really in the running to win, but it’s kind of exciting to think that I’m at least in the running.

Wish me luck!

Weight Tracking Summary

Your current weight | 278.0 lbs
Weight change since your last recorded weight | +2.4 lbs
Total weight change to date | -141.2 lbs

Gah! Damn you 278! Why do you vex me so???

For those who haven’t been playing along with the home game, 278 was my last known weight before Goth Cruise. The first time I weighed in after the cruise, I was 10 pounds heavier. I strongly suspect I was higher than that during the period before I hit a scale again, as I had gotten back on program about a week before weighing in again.

That number is really, really pissing me off.

Here’s the deal, though – I know I’m making progress. I can look at the pictures I’ve been taking and very clearly see that. I’m fitting comfortably back into my size 40 jeans again, and I noticed yesterday that I was using a different catch on my belt without trying. I also know that Maya kicked it up a notch on me this week, and I’ve been exercising harder than usual. This type of thing generally is accompanied by a gain or simply maintenance.

But that damned number is still a monkey on my back.

Curse you, scale! Curse you!