Keeping in step with the Nintendo Wii

Back in July of 2009 Krystalle wrote up a review of the game Personal Trainer : Walking for the Nintendo DS.   Having used the product myself I can say it’s a really neat way to motivate yourself to go out and walk if you like video games, and the ability to communicate with your Nintendo Wii to download an avatar was an awesome feature.  The only real “criticism” I had of the game was that all of the motivation took place after you were done walking. There wasn’t really anything built into the game itself to make your walks interesting and you are only entertained for the few minutes it takes you to upload your step records every night.

Games like EA Sports Active and Wii Fit are fine ways to get exercise indoors, but they can be very daunting for people who haven’t been doing any kind of exercise. Walking is really the best way to get going when you’ve been sedentary for a long time, and Konami has come up with a new way to get you walking and entertain you at the same time.

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Win a free copy of EA SPORTS Active More Workouts

Free is good. I’m a big fan of free stuff. Especially free food. Heck, it’s one of my biggest weaknesses when it comes to the whole “eating right” thing. If you put me in an all-you-can-eat scenario that I don’t have to pay for you bet your sweet bippy I’m going to go out of my way to make sure I eat until I’m so full I can’t move anymore.

Hey, I’m aware of my weaknesses.

Free food isn’t the only thing I like that. I also like free stuff. Like video games.

See where I’m going with this? If you haven’t already figured it out from the title, that is (and really, if you haven’t? I’m willing to bet you’re the type of person who asks where Mankirk’s wife is).

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Hands-free fitness gaming with Your Shape for the Wii

Your ShapeThere was a lot of buzz on the floor of E3 this year after Microsoft unveiled Project Natal, and rightly so.  The potential to have a game system that can track your movements so precisely that it can actually recognize who you are when you walk into the room is pretty amazing (and, admittedly, pretty creepy at the same time).  While attaching a camera to a console to use in a video game is nothing new, the level of interactivity that Project Natal is promising is going to be a huge leap forward if it ever actually makes it out of development.  Needless to say, this kind of tool could totally revolutionize the fitness gaming industry.

Ubisoft, however, isn’t waiting around for Microsoft to finish development of Project Natal.  This Christmas they are bringing the hands-free fitness gaming concept to the Nintendo Wii.

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