EA SPORTS Active gets an upgrade

EA SPORTS is at it again. Last year they released the highly acclaimed EA SPORTS Active, and interactive fitness game for the Nintendo Wii that used the various motion detection equipment available for the platform to offer a wide array of physically challenging workouts in a convenient 30 day program. In the same year they came out with EA SPORTS Active More Workouts, expanding the already excellent game with a broader focus on core exercises and “leveling up” the challenge to last for six weeks. The franchise seems to be working out very well for EA SPORTS (no pun intended), so much so that they even expanded their advertising push to include the Sports Authority fitness equipment chain.

On Tuesday, EA SPORTS announced that they are expanding the line yet again. EA SPORTS Active 2.0 (working title) is currently in production at the Vancouver headquarters of EA Canada.

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Keeping in step with the Nintendo Wii

Back in July of 2009 Krystalle wrote up a review of the game Personal Trainer : Walking for the Nintendo DS.   Having used the product myself I can say it’s a really neat way to motivate yourself to go out and walk if you like video games, and the ability to communicate with your Nintendo Wii to download an avatar was an awesome feature.  The only real “criticism” I had of the game was that all of the motivation took place after you were done walking. There wasn’t really anything built into the game itself to make your walks interesting and you are only entertained for the few minutes it takes you to upload your step records every night.

Games like EA Sports Active and Wii Fit are fine ways to get exercise indoors, but they can be very daunting for people who haven’t been doing any kind of exercise. Walking is really the best way to get going when you’ve been sedentary for a long time, and Konami has come up with a new way to get you walking and entertain you at the same time.

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Nice Muscle, America!!

Regular readers of the site may recall a post from a few months ago where I lamented the fact that the disturbingly bizarre Namco/Bandi game Muscle March was not available for purchase in the Western markets. As I said at the time this game really doesn’t fit all too well into the “fitness game” genre that we generally cover here but, frankly, I don’t care. You could burn calories basking in the sheer awesomeness that is Muscle March. I mean, come on! You can play a body building Polar bear in a swimsuit who has his protein shake powder stolen by a football player, working your way through the various obstacles thrown in your path by going into body builder poses! How can a game like that NOT be good for you??

Well soon there will be no need for you to spend hundreds of dollars for a Japanese version of the Wii to experience the awe that is Muscle March!  Namco/Bandi as announced that Muscle March will be available for download next Winter through Nintendos online service, Wiiware.

The only bummer about this particular announcement is the fact that we have to wait so long for it to be released. I suppose the upside is that we have plenty of time to work on our form so that we’re in top shape and ready to bust some serious protein shake stealing butt next Christmas.

Guess it’s time to go speedo shopping.

Nintendo Wii coming to Sports Authority

SportsAuthorityIt appears as though the line between fitness and video games is getting even blurrier.  

Nintendo announced on Wednesday that they will soon be bringing the Nintendo Wii in Sports Authority chains nationwide. Marketed by the folks at Sports Authority with the catchy phrase “We know fit.  We know fun”, the console will be displayed in an interactive kiosk that will include fitness and sports related games and accessories in select stores starting on November 19th, 2009.

I have mixed feelings about this.

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