Hot Tub WTF

Since I’ve been stuck between the choice of hanging out in my hotel room or gambling I opted for the former and decided to check out “Hot Tub Time Machine” the other night. On the whole I enjoyed it for what it was. It was kind of nice to see John Cusak back in the silly, juvenile type of comedies that I came to know and love him in. It was raunchy at times, really gross at others, it had some boobies in it, and a few points where I laughed out loud. Certainly not the best movie I have ever seen, but far from the worst.


I have a real problem with the ending. A statement like this is often accompanied by a Spoiler Alert, so here is yours.

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Why I won’t be seeing Avatar.

I have no desire to see the movie Avatar.

I realize that, in some ways, I have just committed some kind of sin that shall get me ostracized from geek subculture, but the statement is true. I’m just not interested. I fully admit that the film looks to be a special effects bonanza. James Cameron has never failed to deliver in that particular regard, and some of the films from his body of work are all-time, and often quoted, favorites of mine (especially Terminator and Aliens). Cameron also directed another film that I saw in the theater called Titanic. In fact, I saw it in the theater three times. That little blockbuster of a film broke all kinds of records and got a whole bunch of Academy Award nominations.

I can’t watch it today.

I mean, I could…but I can think of a lot of things I’d rather do with my time. Things like, I dunno…cleaning my ears. Checking my cat for worms. I think you get my point.

The reason I feel that way about the film is because I feel like Titanic was, ultimately, a rip-off. Cameron made sweet, sweet love to our eyeballs for a few hours and did so in a mind blowing fashion but the next morning he was gone and he left a note on the bathroom window saying that we might want to call our doctor and get checked for STD’s. Titanic had the potential to be a movie that would stand the test of time, and the fact that he created a bogus story to tell on top of the tragedy that was the Titanic is, in some ways, a bit insulting to those who died that day if you really think about it. It’s pretty much a statement that, of all of their stories, none of them were good enough to get people to come to the theater and watch a movie. Not really a valid statement when he had Kathy Bates playing “the unsinkable” Molly Brown.

Now I know a lot of you might look at the fact that I saw Titanic in the theaters three times and say “Well, you obviously enjoyed yourself when you went to see it.” You’d be 100% correct. I did. I cannot argue that fact, and I’m not ashamed to admit that I thought it was an awesome film at the time.

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Your Computer Will Kill You!

Together In Electric Dreams!It is fairly safe to say that computers are not, inherently, conducive to healthy living.  Sitting in the same position for hours on end staring at a screen that is only a few feet from your face is not really the kind of activity that contributes to a robust and healthy lifestyle .   While there are tools available for your computer that can assist you with your health and fitness goals (like, oh, a certain web site I could name), generally speaking extended daily computer use is considered to be a very bad thing.

What you may not be aware of, though, is that the computer sitting on your desk might actually be dangerous.  I’m not talking about the kind of danger to your long term health that is the result of inactivity, and I’m not even talking about the potential of developing conditions like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome due to the repetitive motion of using a mouse.  No, my friends, I’m talking about the threat of real bodily harm that could send you to the emergency room.

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Words of +WIS : Life Is Like A Mop

Stanley Spadowski's ClubhouseSometimes you just hafta take what life gives ya, ’cause life is like a mop and sometimes life gets full of dirt and crud and bugs and hairballs and stuff… you, you, you gotta clean it out. You, you, you gotta put it in here and rinse it off and start all over again and, and sometimes, sometimes life sticks to the floor so bad you know a mop, a mop, it’s not good enough, it’s not good enough. You, you gotta get down there, like, with a toothbrush, you know, and you gotta, you gotta really scrub ’cause you gotta get it off. You gotta really try to get it off. But if that doesn’t work, that doesn’t work, you can’t give up. You gotta, you gotta stand right up. You, you gotta run to a window and say, “Hey! These floors are dirty as hell, and I’m not gonna take it any more!”

– Stanley Spadowski, UHF (1989)

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Angry Fanboy Ranting

Spider-Man 3 is an utter and complete pile of shit, and the fact that I spent $20 on it then proceeded to spend two hours vainly hoping that something enjoyable might come out of it really pisses me off.

Ok, that’s the short version of my review. 

I had serious doubts about this movie from the get-go.  It’s the main reason why I did not go see it in the theaters (as opposed to catching opening weekend on the first two movies).  When I found out that they were going to have three villains in the movie I had flashbacks to the Batman movies of the 80’s and 90’s (with the exception of the first Tim Burton film).  There is not enough time in a 120 minute film to properly introduce, flesh out, and conclude a story arc with multiple bad guys.  There just isn’t.  When you try, you end up having watered down stories that just don’t have an impact – unless those bad guys actually have a background that logically ties them together.

But above and beyond having three different villains, all three of them were pretty crappy in some way or other.

The Green Goblin II

No longer looking like a reject from the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, young Harry has made the Goblin into a lean, mean….skater?  Seriously, his new hover glider looks like a lethal version of the hover boards from Back to the Future II.  I half expected him to yell “You’ve got to have POWAH, Peter!”  Son of the original Green Goblin, he vows revenge on Spider-Man for murdering his father.  Unfortunately, they kind of went overboard with the whole amnesia thing.  I mean, generally speaking, I don’t think getting amnesia makes you into a goofy, sensitive artist.  Harry, in the movies, was kind of a prick long before Daddy went off the deep end.  This is the guy who tried to date the woman his best friend had been in love with since high school, remember?  Who refused to defend Mary Jane to his father when he accused her of being a whore (and instead turned around and got angry with her for daring to be critical of pop).  This was night a guy with a big goofy smile who lounged around in his penthouse creating art.  The worst part about this whole storyline, though, was the doddering old butler who just happened to not only know about the whole Goblin thing but who, apparently, is so savvy with medical knowledge that he could state beyond a shadow of a doubt that Norman Osborne killed himself with his glider?

Say what?

This guy looks like he’s got a hard time remembering his name, but he’s suddenly able to diagnose the source of deep stabbing wounds on a cadaver?  Oh, and beyond that…Do you think, maybe, Harry might have liked to know that before nearly getting killed replicating the experiment that made his father into the green goblin, taking a header during a fight with Spider-Man, then having half his face melted off by a pumpkin bomb??


“Thanks for that little tidbit of info, oh faithful butler.  Think I’m gonna go get myself killed dramatically now.  Really, thanks.  Great legacy you’ve given me there.”

Admittedly, the ONLY actual laugh out loud moment I had during this movie was when Spider-Man and Harry were bantering back and forth during the final fight against….two other lame bad guys.

The Sandman

Hooray, Retcon!  It was really Flint Marko who killed Uncle Ben, but for some reason Captain Stacy never bothered to reveal this fact to the Parker’s until AFTER Marko had escaped from prison and ended up in the middle of a particle acceleration device with a bunch of sand (securely guarded by a FENCE and open to the world outside from the top).  Never mind the fact that Marko went on trial and eventually to prison for said murder.   Even as I sit here writing about it I can’t believe they really tried to pass this one off as being even remotely feasible.  If you can get past all that, though, the character himself wasn’t all that bad.  The actor did a fine job portraying his sadness and reluctance to be a bad guy, but they really didn’t explain how or why it made sense for him to get involved with…


Holy shit they dropped the ball on this.  I heard rumors that Sam Raimi hated the Venom character and that he was basically forced by Sony Pictures to include him for merchandising purposes, and boy does it show.  First of all, they screwed the whole alien symbiote story to begin with.  While I understand that the original story would never have worked as it was written in the comics (no Secret Wars), it was obviously mutated just so they could rapidly get the costume off of Peter and on to Eddie Brock.  So instead of just taking over Peter when he’s asleep and slowly trying to merge with him the costume somehow makes him…Discoemo?  Yes, folks.  Peter parker, when under the influence of an alien, gets the looks of an emo kid and the moves of John Travolta (and, apparently, the ability to play the piano…that suit is handy!).   It’s bad enough that he changed his hair style and his clothing because he was feeling “bad,” but eyeliner as well?  Come fucking on.  Ok, well thankfully that pain didn’t last too long and Spider-Man decides to ditch the costume.  Of course, for some reason, he decides to do it in a bell tower.  We never even saw him try to take it off first or got any indication that the suit was resisting before he’s suddenly in some epic struggle.

Let me explain for those who haven’t read the comics – Spidey originally ditched the costume after Reed Richards revealed it was alive and susceptible to sonic waves.  The costume escaped and snuck into Peter’s apartment – taking the form of the Red and Blue costume.  When Peter put it on the costume attempted to merge with him, and Peter went to the bell tower specifically to use the sound to drive the costume off.  He almost died in the process, and the costume actually saved his life.  He didn’t just decide “Hey, I’m in a church…might as well get naked here.”

As in the comics, Brock was in the church when Spidey and the costume split apart.  Unlike the comics, Brock was there to ASK GOD TO KILL PETER PARKER.  In the comics, Brock was in the church praying for forgiveness over the fact that he was about to commit suicide.  Pretty big difference there, kids.  So, ok….he gets covered in goo and jumps at the camera, then the next thing you see he’s telling Sandman that he wants to kill Spider-Man as well and that they should work together?  Umm..WTF?

No explanation as to how Brock knew so much about Spider-Man, no explanation as to how he knows so much about the Sandman, and no real explanation as to what the fuck he is.  It’s just “Hi, I’m Venom and I wanna kill Spidey!”  The DVD I bought came with a mini-comic that actually filled in the additional backstory on Venom that was needed in the movie, which really leaves those of you who aren’t geeks like me hanging out to dry. 

On top of all that?  He looked STUPID.  They never should have brought the character to screen if they couldn’t make him look better than a sleestack with webbing.  I’ve seen better Venom costumes at Dragon*Con.  It’s just more proof that Venom was a reluctant addition to the movie and that Raimi intentionally put as little effort into the character as possible.  There’s no WAY he should have looked that ridiculous with his “mask” on, but that’s ok because he really didn’t wear his mask all that much…which leads me to…

Sam Raimi Hates Super Heroes and Villains

Ok, this might not be an entirely fair statement, but a disturbing trend I noticed in the first few movies was shored up in the third.  Sam has his comic book characters spend as little time in costume as he possibly can.  Don’
t get me wrong – I fully understand that an important aspect of the Spider-Man mythos relies on the person behind the mask, but he wears the fucking mask for a reason, Sam.  By the end of this movie there is no reason to believe the Spider-Man has a viable secret identity anymore.  While fighting two bad guys surrounded by tons of reporters with high powered cameras his mask is ripped off…again.  Mind you, this is after the incident in Spider-Man 2 where he was unmasked in front of a whole train full of people and not one person snapped of a picture.  When his mask isn’t off it’s shredded, or he just fights bad guys without it.  Same thing goes for Venom and the Green Goblin.  They don’t have to pull their masks off, because they both have the convenient ability to just have their masks retract so they can deliver some exposition.

It’s a super hero movie, Sam.   Let’s leave the heroes in their costumes please?  Thanks.  I think Spider-Man was fully masked all of maybe 10 minutes in this movie. 

Additional quick gripes

Gwen Stacy was a major character who died in the original Green Goblin story line.  Bringing her in at this point as an additional lame reason for Brock to hate Peter and to add tension with Mary Jane was pointless.  She should have been in the first movie, and she should have died.  There’s no reason for her to be there otherwise.

Even without the costume influencing him, Petey was way too much with the water works in this movie.   Peter is a very emotional man, and that is part of what makes him who he is…But that doesn’t mean he tears up every time something bad happens to him.  I don’t think Tobey Maguire bought it, either, because most of the time it totally looked like he had the onion under his eye right before Sam yelled “action.”

Somewhere in the writing of this movie they forgot that Spider-Man has a Spider-Sense, because every single one of the bad guys in this flick managed to get the drop on him.  Of the three, only Venom was able to actually slip past the Spider-Sense radar without the use of some external device plot.  I’d have to watch it again (and I don’t plan on doing that any time soon), but I’m pretty sure they didn’t give anyindicators that Spider-Man had that power at all in Spider-Man 3.

In Summation

I hated this movie.  A lot.  In case you couldn’t tell.  I can handle the fact that the movie isn’t going to be totally true to the comic, but that wasn’t really my big beef here.  It was just a BAD movie.  The story was contrived and didn’t make any real sense, the script was extremely hokey at parts, and the whole super hero aspect of it really seemed to be a side bar as opposed to the actual focus of the film.  Which is great if I WANTED to see a character driven story, but I went in to this expecting a super hero movie and what I got was a big pile of spider-shit.

If you love the character, don’t see this movie.  You’ll hate what they did with it.

If you don’t love the character, don’t see this movie.  It won’t make any sense.

Just don’t see this movie.

I’m really sorry to say I did.

I am suddenly awash in artists!

Spent most of the weekend working on a new, dynamic web site for “ranney.” Have freshened up the look a bit, and am building him an administration console so that he can update the site without having to get in touch with me.

Also got a call from my buddy John Cecil last night. He’s got a new movie that he’s going to be shopping around, and he wants my help getting the target demographic to the free screening he’s arranging down here.

It’s kinda funny, but when I’m doing stuff like this I really don’t notice how much effort goes into it. Guess it’s that whole “time flies when you’re having fun” thing. Or maybe a more accurate turn of phrase would be “time flies when you’re involved in the arts.”
