Image courtesy of db*photography
I’d like to lose the 20lbs that stand between me and a size 12, or even the 50lbs that stand between me and a size “Wow!”. I know that to do so I need to make calories in less than calories out. But how many calories should I shoot for in general?
I’ve used a number of calculators, with so vastly different results.
Here’s two examples:
The American Cancer Society says I need 2318.
The Mayo Clinic says I need 1550.
What gives? Where can I get a reliable number?
Ok. Wow. You guys have really decided to stop throwing softballs at us when it comes to these questions, haven’t you? Next time why not ask us how to perform open heart surgery or something? Sheesh.
Seriously, though – The reason this is a difficult question is because the first (and most honest) response is “it depends.” It depends on a lot of things. It depends on how old you are, how tall you are, how much you weigh currently, how active you are, what your sex is, and what type of calories you’re putting in to your body (a 1200 calorie a day diet consisting of nothing but Snickers bars isn’t very likely to warrant positive results). With all of those factors in place it is no wonder that you’re having a hard time finding a solid answer to your question.
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